Teaserbild-Quelle: Screenshot
Time travel in New York: Around 1911 a camera team from the Swedish film company Sevenska Biografteatren was out and about in Manhattan, capturing everyday life there – and some sights such as the Statue of Liberty, Madison Avenue, Broadway and the Flatiron building on Fifth Avenue.
Even if the recordings are over a century old, one can see one or two other things that differ little from today. For example, the little girl who is probably bored from the family outing or unsuccessful overtaking maneuvers on the street. And sometimes curious glances straight into the camera.
The film comes from the collection of the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York, which has uploaded further recordings, some of them historical, to its YouTube channel. (May)
Source: screenshot
Screenhsot from the Sevenska Biografteatren film about New York around 1911.