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Video: Through obstacles to the medal goal

Through obstacles to the medal goal

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O-Ton: “My name is Hannes Aigner. I am a canoeist, and my goal is to win a medal in Tokyo.” Olympic hope Hannes Aigner has been fascinated by water since childhood. And now that the Olympic Games in Tokyo are finally just around the corner, the slalom canoeist from Augsburg has little else on his mind. The world champion and two-time Olympic participant trains in blocks from Monday to Saturday. Two each on the water and one in the gym. Aigner says he hopes to bring home a medal from Tokyo – something he could share with his son. O-Ton: “The postponement of the Olympic Games last year was a small setback, frustrating. But I have a nearly two-year-old son at home and was able to experience a lot with him that I could not have experienced if I had the Olympic Games in Tokyo So I was kind of very happy about it because I was able to be at home a lot last year. That was a secret blessing. Now I am highly motivated to attack in Tokyo “. Hannes Aigner’s fitness program is aimed primarily at the strength of the upper body in order to give the 32-year-old the necessary energy to navigate the canoe through the obstacles in the water against the pressure of the rapids. Aigner’s army training helps with endurance. And financing as a so-called sports soldier in the Bundeswehr also seems helpful to him. Aigner’s most recent competition was the European Championship in Italy in May – here he and the team won silver in the team in the single kayak. Not a bad omen for the competitions in Tokyo.


Olympic hope Hannes Aigner has been fascinated by water since childhood and is now a strong canoe slalom athlete.

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