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Video: The third call for the Jovenes a la U program is open

The District Agency for Higher Education, Science and Technology (Atenea) has already opened the inscriptions for the third call for Youth at the U, which will be available until next June 20, so that high school graduates from the city up to 28 years old can access higher education programs in Bogotá for free and without indebtedness.

In order to achieve this purpose, ATENEA works hand in hand with Institutions of Higher Education, official and unofficial, domiciled in Bogotá – Region, which, in addition to providing training, implement accompaniment actions for their well-being. The call will finance 100% of the enrollment in programs at the professional technical, technologist and university professional levels, in any of the 43 allied official and unofficial Higher Education Institutions.

In addition, the beneficiaries will receive financial support, during each of the training semesters equivalent to a current legal minimum wagewith the aim of promoting their permanence in the higher education program they are studying.

This District program gives priority to the following populations in conditions of vulnerability or special constitutional protection: women, population with disabilities, ethnic communities, population victims of the armed conflict, victims of violence, among others.

Applicants to Jovenes a la U must meet the following requirements:

a) Be a high school graduate from a public or private school in Bogotá DC or be a high school graduate for having presented in Bogotá the validation test carried out by ICFES for that purpose.

b) Have presented the Saber 11 test or ICFES tests.

c) Be up to 28 years old.

d) Not have been enrolled in a higher education program for at least the last two semesters before the start of the call, that is, the second semester of 2021 and the first semester of 2022.

e) Not be a graduate of a higher education program at the university professional level.

f) Register for the call for the Program through the links defined in the terms of the call and on the dates stipulated for its realization.

g) Not be a beneficiary of the Jovenes a la U Program in its first two calls, nor be a beneficiary of other strategies carried out by ATENEA or the District Secretary of Education for access to and permanence in higher education, namely: Higher Education Fund for All (FEST), Educational City Alliance Fund, Fund for the Reparation of Victims of the Armed Conflict, Bolívar City Fund, Technical and Technological Fund, Public University Fund (National University of Colombia, National Open and Distance University – UNAD, Francisco José de Caldas, National Pedagogical University and Technological School Central Technical Institute) and Free University and America scholarships.

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