Home » today » Entertainment » VIDEO The first breakdown of an Imperio tram, a few hours after it was put into circulation in the capital

VIDEO The first breakdown of an Imperio tram, a few hours after it was put into circulation in the capital

A few hours after they were put into circulation, one of the 15 Imperio trams purchased by the Municipality of Astra Arad broke down at 19:29, at the terminus of line 41 – Casa Presei.

Until now, the causes of the failure are not known.

STB director Adrian Criț recently said about the new acquisition that “With the arrival of these trams, we offer travelers better travel conditions, which will lead them to use public transport more and more. Like any new investment, it preserved, as it is a heritage of all users. In addition to improving the comfort and quality of the transport service, the new trams contribute to the efficiency of STB SA, which leads to the possibility of new profitable investments for passengers”.

The first 15 Imperio trams are now running on line 41. Each tram has a dedicated controller, responsible for information and monitoring activities throughout the day.

The mayor of the capital, Nicusor Dan, made a short trip with one of the 15 new trams that went into circulation on Saturday on line 41 in Bucharest.

“It is a moment of joy for Bucharest, the first 15 of the 100 trams we have contracted with Astra Arad. In addition to the 100 trams, we have 100 electric buses in the last stage of acquisition, European money, such as trams, 100 trolleybuses, money from the fund In addition, we will soon start the purchase of 22 trolleybuses, for which we have been accepted for funding by PNRR and have also submitted applications, but we are in competition with other locations, for another 44 other trams and are applying for funding for another 150 buses “, said Nicusor Dan.

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