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Video: The buyer auctioned a racing dove for a record 42 million crowns

The two-year-old female was auctioned off by a new bidder for more than 42 million crowns, while the starting price was 200 euros (about 5,300 crowns). The original owner, Kurt Van de Wouwer, told reporters that he was shocked by the amount reached.

The dove, called New Kim, won several races in 2018, but now she is not in any competitions.

The new owner will use the female for breeding. According to the AP agency, it was probably acquired by the same buyer who auctioned off the pigeon Armand last year, for the then also a record amount of 1.25 million euros (33 million crowns).

“These record prices are incredible because it’s a female. Armando was male. A male is usually more valuable than a female because he can produce more offspring, “said Nikolaas Gyselbrecht of Pipa’s auction house.

Belgium is famous for breeding carrier pigeons, and one of the most successful breeders, Gaston Van de Wouwer, aroused interest at the auction, which continues on Monday. He sells all his 445 birds because he decided to retire at the age of 76. So far, the buyers have paid over six million euros (almost 160 million crowns) for his pigeons.

Although the pigeon races were destined to disappear, the amount auctioned for the dove shows that this curious sport is gaining in popularity again.

It is in China that the carrier of carrier pigeons has become very popular and a lot of money is being made in them. Prizes for the winners of bird races climb up to seven-figure amounts.

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