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VIDEO. The Blanc-Mesnil factory has started manufacturing: 1 million masks produced per day

The Blanc-Mesnil (Seine-Saint-Denis) mask manufacturing plant was inaugurated and production started. One million masks will be produced per day.

The mask production plant in Blanc-Mesnil (Seine-Saint-Denis) was inaugurated and the production line was launched. (© MD / News Seine-Saint-Denis)

It only took 15 days for Hsueh Sheng Wang, investor at the head of the real estate group Eurasia, to set up a factory to manufacture surgical masks in Blanc-Mesnil (Seine-Saint-Denis). On April 21, 2020, he made the promise to set up an extraordinary production for Ile-de-France.

Read also: Coronavirus: construction of a factory in Ile-de-France to manufacture 500,000 masks per day

It is now done, this Thursday, May 14, 2020, the factory was inaugurated by the town hall of Blanc-Mesnil and by the Ile-de-France Region and the promises of Hsueh Sheng Wang go much further because the production lines will be doubled in order to produce for the whole of France.

The mask production plant in Blanc-Mesnil (Seine-Saint-Denis) was inaugurated and the production line was launched.
The mask production plant in Blanc-Mesnil (Seine-Saint-Denis) was inaugurated and the production line was launched. (© MD / News Seine-Saint-Denis)

70% of French production

Hsueh Sheng Wang put all his knowledge and know-how as an investor on the way to be able to carry out this “crazy” project. We had to find the machines in china, import them, find the fabric, find the engineers … “We did this duty by solidarity“, He adds.

By pressing the blue button on the machines, installed under the Eiffel Hall, the production lines were officially launched. Currently, four machines are on duty in the plant and four more are due to arrive before the end of the week.

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“In one minute, we produce 120 masks. With the arrival of new machines, 1 million masks will be produced every day, ”explains the investor. “This will represent 70% of French production« .

Read also: Deconfinement: fabric, disposable … what to do with your used masks?

“The biggest factory in France”

“It’s a record and thanks to this the Ile-de-France region will become self-sufficient“, Launched the President of the Region, Valérie Pécresse. Indeed, Hsueh Sheng Wang explained that with this production it is about “The biggest factory in France”.

There are four more in the country but they only have two or three production lines, so they cannot manufacture that many a day ”.

To produce these surgical masks, Hsueh Sheng Wang brings in the fabric from germany and of China and he recruited 15 employees but others should arrive, to reach the double. For now, the investor does not know how long this plant will be in operation. “As long as there is need to continue we will produce, in my opinion minimum 3 years« .

Circuit court

Valérie Pécresse and Thierry Meignen, mayor of Blanc-Mesnil both underlined Mr Wang’s commitment to this project and his investment. Hsueh Sheng Wang worked with local companies to set up the factory and to recruit in the local employment area.

Read also: Seine-et-Marne. The parking lot of the Claye-Souilly shopping center filled with masks thrown to the ground

This factory will therefore make it possible to locally produce masks for the entire France and the investor insisted to the Region that these surgical masks be used quickly for caregivers “With a system of circuit court ».

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