Home » today » World » Video: the attack of fury of a woman who refused to wear a mask in the supermarket

Video: the attack of fury of a woman who refused to wear a mask in the supermarket

The woman was in a rage inside a room when she was asked to wear a mask. Credit: Video capture

A woman had a

rage attack

and started screaming when he was in a store

The Angels

without face mask and

one of the employees pointed out that he should wear one.


As in cases like these around the world, the lady was filmed by a client of Trader Joe’s store, located in the

San Fernando valley

. Soon, her bad ways to target local employees and customers went viral.


Throughout California,

from the past

June 18

It is mandatory to wear masks or masks in stores and other closed places, as a way to protect people from

coronavirus pandemic

. Even at the door of this market, a sign clearly indicates that you must use it to enter it.

But not everyone seems to understand – much less abide by – these indications, which have to do with public health. It was the case of this unidentified woman, who entered that place last Friday afternoon. Exactly contrary to what was specified, the woman, according to witnesses, removed her mask upon entering the



When the local employees told her to wear a chinstrap, the woman had a fit of fury that continued until she left the store. Credit: Video capture

‘I saw her take off her mask after she entered the store. She was in line for the box, and she looked around ostentatiously, “she said.

John Conroy,

one of the customers in the middle store


The man noted that the woman’s attitude was provocative and that she acted “deranged.”

When the woman was confronted by another client, she exploded with rage. ”

Damn Democratic pigs!

she yelled after tossing her shopping basket. You are sheep. “Next, the woman pointed out that the person who asked her to put on the mask” harassed her “and that she had a respiratory problem for which her doctor” does not let me wear a mask. ”

The store specifies that you must enter with face masks, something that has been mandatory in California since June 18
The store specifies that you must enter with face masks, something that has been mandatory in California since June 18 Credit: Facebook

“IF someone harasses me to put on a mask, they are violating federal law, understand?” Said the lady. In their defense, it must be said that they are indeed exempt from wearing face masks in


those people who suffer a respiratory problem, although there is no evidence that this was indeed the case.

The managers of the place approached the woman and asked her several times to please leave the store. Actor D. Giles, also present at the scene, was the one who captured the woman’s moment of fury and posted it on his Twitter account.

“I think 100% that she went there just to start a confrontation,” Conroy explained. “Her basket remained empty, it was very obvious about the way she was trying to get someone to tell her something. chinstrap, he went crazy because he was there for that. ”


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