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Video: The 374m long ICE offers more space than ever before

The 374m long ICE offers more space than ever before

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When white high-speed trains were introduced in Germany 30 years ago, some passengers were still amazed at the ICE label. Three decades and 1.5 billion passengers later, the ICE is part of everyday life in German long-distance rail transport. The latest XXL version of the fourth generation is 374 meters long. With 918 seats, it offers more space than any ICE before. Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier took over the anniversary christening at Berlin Central Station on Tuesday. O-TON FEDERAL PRESIDENT FRANK-WALTER STEINMEIER “Today we are celebrating nothing less than a landmark in Germany. As well-known as the Brandenburg Gate or Cologne Cathedral. But no historical monument has a birthday today, but an idea of ​​the future – not dumb and stone, but bright, fast and shiny. An embodiment of technology and design – that was and that is the ICE. ” More climate-friendly, more comfortable and a top speed of up to 265 km / h. In order for the new train to be able to increase its speed, planning and technically demanding routes would have to be built. According to Federal Transport Minister Andreas Scheuer, there is still some catching up to do. According to Deutsche Bahn, the ICE fleet consists of 330 trains. In the next five years it is expected to grow to 421 vehicles. A total of around 8.5 billion euros should flow into new long-distance trains by 2026.


Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier took over the christening of the XXL train in Berlin Central Station.

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