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Video switch with current leaders of the Green Youth is getting out of hand

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Katharina Stolla (l.) and Svenja Appuhn go out with a bang as chairmen of the Green Youth. Ricarda Lang’s resignation from the Green Party leadership was the trigger. © dpa (2) / Fabian Sommer / Kay Nietfeld

The chaos among the Green Youth never ends. Internal matters have now emerged from a video meeting with the outgoing board. And now there are problems in Bavaria too.

Munich – The Greens and their youth organization cannot calm down. Late on Wednesday evening it became known that the federal executive board of the Green Youth wanted to completely quit the party in protest against the Greens’ course and set up a new left-wing youth organization. The explosion among the climate youth came immediately after the sudden withdrawal of the Green Party leadership around Ricarda Lang and Omid Nouripour. But things are simmering within the base – this became clear in a video link between the current chairmen of the youth organization and the 400 or so members who were connected. The allegations extend to the personal. And now also this: After the federal executive board, the entire state executive board of the youth organization in Bavaria has also announced its resignation.

Resignation in the Green Youth: Video switch with the current chairman escalates – “Go with God, but go!”

In the Zoom conference with Katharina Stolla and Magdalena Schulz, the members of the Climate Youth distributed. “We are all dissatisfied with what the Green Party is doing. I find it cowardly that they are leaving the party and I find it stupid that you are going on your media tour,” quoted Bild a member from the conference. And further: “Just really, really cowardly and I think that’s really, really stupid of you. And I am extremely disappointed.” Another member said: “Go with God, but go!” There were clear reactions in the Green Youth immediately after the resignations became known.

Among the members there were also individuals who held posters with “Shame shame shame” into the camera. One member quoted Bild with the words: “I expect that you will no longer speak publicly. When I look at the media coverage today, you had the opportunity to make your point of view clear. And I don’t think that you can use the attention that is being given to you because you hold Green Youth offices to massively damage the Greens.” Meanwhile, the current board tried to be understanding despite the heated mood to promote the radical step.

Chaos also in Bavaria: the entire state board of the Green Youth announces its departure

Meanwhile, after the federal board of the Green Youth, the entire state board of the youth organization in Bavaria has now announced its departure. According to the Bavarian state chairwoman of the Green Party, Eva Lettenbauer, all eight board members want to leave the youth organization, as she announced.

“However, the Green Youth is and remains our critical and opinionated youth association,” emphasized Lettenbauer. According to Lettenbauer, the board will continue to carry out organizational business until the scheduled new election of the board at the end of November. “There are already many young people who are motivated to continue to be active in the Green Youth,” added Lettenbauer.

After resignations in the Green Youth: Explosive federal congress from October 18th to 20th

Late on Wednesday evening it became known that the federal executive board of the Green Youth wanted to completely quit the party in protest against the Greens’ course and set up a new left-wing youth organization. The board will conscientiously complete its official business until the Federal Congress of the Green Youth, which will take place in Leipzig from October 18th to 20th. They want to make it possible to elect the new federal executive board and then leave the Green Youth, it said in a letter to the party and parliamentary group leadership. A Green Party leader strongly opposed the Green Youth’s plans and described them as “not realistic”.

The entire party executive committee, led by co-chairs Omid Nouripour and Ricarda Lang, had previously announced their resignation in mid-November. A new board is to be elected at the federal party conference in Wiesbaden to lead the Greens into the federal election campaign. This step is a reaction to the Greens’ recent election defeats. “A new start is needed,” said Nouripour in Berlin.

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