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Video. Stalker records woman’s legs in Cancun transport and she confronts him

The sexual harassment is one of the many reasons why thousands of women demonstrated in the International Women’s Day, on March 8, throughout the country.

Within the framework of 8M, a woman in Cancun it was victim of a man what recorded it without his consent while she was traveling on public transport.

Veronica Alejandra Aranda Zapata it was victim of sexual harassment after a passenger recorded his legs, this in broad daylight, since, he relates to THE UNIVERSAL that “it was about two in the afternoon and I had to deliver some documents of my work, when I returned I took public transport. (…) when he turned around and I saw a light towards me. I realized because I was going to get off (from the transport ) “.

Aranda Zapata realized that a passenger recorded it and she did the same. “He was blatantly filming me. I started recording it and said ‘let’s see if this guy lowers the camera’, but he kept recording me. “

Also read: The true story of Astrid, the young woman who marched alone on 8M

He says that at the time he read that when something like this happens, as a victim, “you had to make them feel uncomfortable. Bother them like they make us uncomfortable. I was scared to death because I was afraid he was going to attack me. ”

He distanced himself a little from the man and began to claim that he had noticed how I was recording her legs. Likewise, she points out that the driver of the unit supported her and told her to record it and take it up to social media.

After what happened, the woman says that she was very nervous and that even when he got out of the unit he was crying. “I screamed with rage, I started to cry and withdrew. I realized that we lack protocols, because here in Cancun, what that man did, the typical ‘arrimón’, the groping, is an administrative offense and is a reason for arrest by the municipal civic authority “.

Protocols for victims of sexual harassment in public transport

Verónica Alejandra Aranda Zapata is an official at the municipality of Benito Juárez in Cancun and comments that between her direct boss and her seek to work on protocols so that public transport drivers know how to help or respond to similar situations of sexual harassment and can direct the victim so that the aggressor can be punished.

“I did not ask him for his name and I did not ask him to delete the video. He can continue on his cell phone. If there was a policeman at that time I would already have that video and a complaint, but they do not know (public transport drivers) how to act in such a situation “, he concludes.

She assures that other women have approached her and told her that they have also suffered harassment “They have groped them or even ejaculate on them.”

On his own he is researching the man and seek guidance with a lawyer on how to act to find the person and that he has a punishment.

Also read: Violence against women “does not come without a cause,” says a teacher from the UANL; students exhibit it for macho comment



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