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Video shows rioters in Jena: Police ask for clues

The police in Jena are investigating after three destructive raids by masked people through Jena’s city center because of serious breach of the peace and property damage. A similar pattern can be seen in all incidents: a group of around 20 people each willfully damaged buildings and window fronts as a sign of an alleged political protest. The alleged perpetrators are suspected to be in the left-wing scene. The total damage is almost 200,000 euros. The police will check whether the same actors were at work here.

November 11, 2020 – Riots at demo against gentrification

Around two dozen hooded people marched through Jena on November 11, throwing stones and fireworks at the police. Garbage cans were set on fire and used as barricades. According to the call before the meeting, the protest was directed against the rent increase in the city center. Residents filmed the events and provided the police with the cell phone recording shown here. In addition to a police car, windows of a bank and a restaurant were destroyed. The police suspect the perpetrators to be in the left-wing scene. The “SOKO city center” was established.

March 13, 2021– first letter of confession

May 2, 2021 – second letter of confession

On the night of May 2, the windows of two bank branches in the city center were destroyed. Witnesses also reported hooded people here. According to the police, all windows at a bank branch were defrostered over a length of 25 meters. The facades were covered with bags of paint and smears. Here, too, the police assume that the perpetrators are allegedly from the left-wing scene. Another letter of responsibility appeared, this time condemning investments by banks in arms companies. The police are currently still checking the authenticity of this.

Police check connections between the incidents

Further investigations will show whether these are the same alleged perpetrators. “Of course, we can only say exactly when we have identified the perpetrators. But when the first crimes were committed in November 2020, we assumed a group of perpetrators to be assigned to the left spectrum due to the objects attacked and the writing and symbols left at the crime scenes For the offenses on March 13th and May 2nd, 2021, letters of confession appeared on a relevant platform, which also point to left-wing authors, “explains Police Commissioner Franziska Groh about the incidents.

A reward of 15,000 euros for relevant information was provided, 10,000 euros from the city and 5,000 euros from the Sparkasse Jena-Saale-Holzland.

Police ask for clues

Competent police station
Who recognizes people on the video? Who made observations on one of the tattoo days that could help in the search for the alleged perpetrators?

Contact: Police Jena, phone 03641-812464 or 811440

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