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Video: Scholz defends work of anti-money laundering unit FIU

Scholz defends work of anti-money laundering unit FIU

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NOTE: This post will be broadcast without a narration. O-Ton Olaf Scholz (SPD), Federal Minister of Finance: “I took the opportunity to explain again that the last three years were probably the best years for our authorities to put together with regard to the fight against money laundering and terrorist financing. We have achieved more in the last three years than in the last 30. We have ensured that an authority that originally had 100 employees from the BKA to customs, at the request of the Federal Ministers de Maizière and Schäuble, that this authority is meanwhile Has 500 employees, will soon have over 700. We have made sure that there is a modern IT infrastructure. We have made sure that more suspicious transaction reports can be filed by changing the laws on money laundering, combating terrorist financing means that more reports will come in the future. We have now grown from a reporting volume of 50,000 to 150,000 sen. My prognosis is: That will more likely double again in a shorter period of time and maybe expand even further. And that is why it is very clear that the mandate that the FIU, the Financial Intelligence Unit, has for combating money laundering and terrorist financing will only succeed if we also ensure that we have very modern procedures, including IT plays a role. And where we have a sufficiently good staff structure. It all happens. “


After the almost three-hour questioning in the Bundestag Finance Committee, Federal Finance Minister Olaf Scholz said that the FIU works and works together with other authorities. The work processes are constantly being optimized so that criminals do not go undetected.

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