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VIDEO: Russian Alligators ‘hunt’ enemy positions

11 ago 2024 03:20 GMT

The attack took place in the Kursk border region, where fighting is taking place with the troops of the kyiv regime.

The Russian Ministry of Defense has published a video showing Russian Ka-52 Alligator helicopters destroying Ukrainian positions at night.

“Army aviation crews using Ka-52 helicopters carried out strikes against a military equipment accumulation of men, armored vehicles and vehicles of the Ukrainian Armed Forces units in the border area of ​​Kursk Oblast,” the statement said.

It is also noted that all specified targets were successfully destroyed.

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Until 1,000 fighters of the Kiev regime troops launched an attempted border incursion on Tuesday in order to seize part of the territory of the Russian province of Kursk. Russian forces they stopped the advance.

According to the latest data, Ukrainian losses during the fighting in the area amounted to 1,120 military personnel and 140 armored vehicles.

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