Home » today » Entertainment » VIDEO Richard Branson: the billionaire succeeds in a “tourist” flight in space and ahead of Jeff Bezos

VIDEO Richard Branson: the billionaire succeeds in a “tourist” flight in space and ahead of Jeff Bezos

This is a big step for space tourism: entrepreneur and billionaire Richard Branson handily managed the first space tourist flight. He is thus ahead of Jeff Bezos, the boss of Amazon …

Richard Branson made his dream come true. This Sunday, July 11, 2021, he went to space for the world’s first tourist flight, aboard his SpaceShipTwo rocket ship from Virgin Galactic, the company of the Virgin Group of which he is the founder. He was accompanied by two pilots and three other passengers. The take-off took place around 4:30 p.m. (French time) in New Mexico (United States), in front of thousands of Americans. After an hour of flight during which the crew reached space, the space shuttle turned around and landed successfully at 5:39 p.m. Richard branson Nine days ahead of its competitor Jeff Bezos, the billionaire founder of Amazon, whose flight is scheduled for July 20. But the founder of Amazon obviously decided not to show (too) resentment, and immediately congratulated Richard Branson and his crew on his Instagram account. He still added to have « looking forward to joining the club »From those who have lived this experience.

Tourist flights for space in 2022?

After the successful landing, Richard Branson spoke in front of the crowd : declaring to have realized a childhood dream by managing to reach space aboard his ship: ” I’ve dreamed of this moment since I was a little boy “. According to him, it is ” a once in a lifetime experience “. Around the world, the success of his flight is considered the first step in space tourism: Richard Branson plans to give his customers the same experience very soon., after performing two more tries. In early 2022, the space company hopes to launch regular commercial flights: up to 400 per year! 600 tickets have already been purchased, and among the customers, we find well-known personalities: Lady Gaga, Justin Bieber or Leonardo DiCaprio.

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