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[Vidéo] Regional 2021: Vincent Terrail-Novès wants to “provide concrete answers” to companies

Punctual, he arrives all smiles in his impeccable black suit. He ? Vincent Terrail-Novès, LaREM candidate for the Regional 2021s still little known in the former Languedoc-Roussillon. He made this Monday, March 15, his first candidate visit to Hérault. One week after the official announcement of his candidacy.

Current Mayor of Balma, the man, dubbed the same morning by the presidential party, knows that he is setting foot in a territory where his name does not ring much in the ears of his fellow citizens, and potential future voters. This is why after a first visit to a company located in the Gard Rhodanien at the end of last week, the Toulousain returned on Monday near Montpellier.

Patient, Samuel Hervé, Founding President of Akté Services and head of Medef de l’Hérault, welcomes Vincent Terrail-Novès. “I want to take the necessary time. I am here to understand what is going on, what businesses need, what the Occitanie region can do to help even better, and even more businesses across the country ”, let go of the candidate, a physiotherapist by profession, but obviously anxious to fully understand the mysteries of the business world, to better support him in the years to come.

Founded in 2008 by Daniel Imbert and Samuel Hervé, the Akté Services group has set itself the task of completely rethinking and improving collective catering in the hospital sector. ” It all started with a discussion with one of the leaders of the Clinipôle group. With Daniel Imbert, we knew a little about this sector, so we wanted to get started. We started in Vendargues. Now, we are settled here, still in Vendargues. We do our best to make it work and that our teams are happy to work here and it has been 13 years since we started“, Begins Samuel Hervé. Then the procession begins a long visit of the premises. A visit which allowed the young elected Haut-Garonnais vice-president of Toulouse Métropole, to take the time to discuss with Hérault employees, to fully understand their expectations, and their desire for innovations in the world of work.

“Producers who are less than 200 kilometers away”

Concerned about being in the era of time, and to correspond as closely as possible to the demand of his many customers, Samuel Hervé takes advantage of the presentation of one of his youngest employees to specify that ” everything that the company produces follows a very precise charter, and comes to us from producers who are less than 200 kilometers away ”. A remark subtly placed in the ear of the candidate for Regional, at a time when short circuits, and respect for the environment are strong demands from consumers. ” That’s all very well! Because we live at a time, when we must stop bringing products from the other side of the world. It costs an unreasonable price, it pollutes, it does everything except respect the environment. And what’s more, it deprives our regional producers of work. We must prioritize all these new modes of consumption, as close as possible to the population“, Responds tit for tat, the mayor of Balma and regional councilor of Occitanie.

After a brief discussion on the growing need to offer good wages, but above all very good working conditions to young people and to future generations looking for a job, the candidate and the local elected officials present such as the deputy LaREM for the 8th district of Hérault, Nicolas Démoulin, and many mayors: Guy Lauret for Vendargues, Laurent Jaoul for Saint- Brès, Jean Pierre Rico for Pérols, all got ready to discover the production site of the company Akté Services.

Once the charlottes and overshoes are on, the group was able to visit the company’s key location: the kitchens. All meals are designed here for the many health sites that are Akté Services customers. Very attentive, Vincent Terrail-Novès asked many questions of the employees, including the production manager, who accompanied Samuel Hervé in the corridors of this brand new site. Anxious to show its interest in the work required on a daily basis by these teams ” who were at the front during the two confinement periods ”, as Samuel Hervé notes, Vincent Terrail Novès thus spent more than two hours in the premises of the Vendarguoise company. Even though he hasn’t made any programmatic announcements today, he has promised to return to Languedoc on numerous occasions. It is therefore a safe bet that his announcements should be made in the next few days. We have not finished hearing about this young candidate from Toulouse in the old Languedoc!

[VIDEO] Interview with Vincent Terrail-Novès, Mayor of Balma, Vice-President of Toulouse Métropole, Regional Councilor of Occitania and LaREM candidate for the 2021 Regionals in the Occitania Region:

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