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Video of bribes hits the heart of panismo

Two former officials of the Senate of the Republic – linked to prominent cadres of the National Action Party (PAN) – were exhibited through a video in which they are observed receiving bundles of bills of different denominations that are presumed to constitute bribes for legislators who approved the structural reforms.

Through an account on the YouTube social network in the name of Juan Jesus Lozoya Austin, alleged brother of the former director of Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex), Emilio Lozoya, a video was released in which in his description he links him to acts of corruption at Pemex.

Ministerial sources indicated that the video, allegedly taken at Senate facilities, has not been presented as evidence before the Attorney General’s Office (FGR) in none of the cases in which Lozoya Austin is linked.

The video was broadcast since August 16, but it went viral on social networks hours after the president Andrés Manuel López Obrador be pronounced because the video that Lozoya Austin gave to the prosecution to support his complaint against the former president is disclosed on open television and on social networks Enrique Peña Nieto and his secretary of the Treasury and man of greatest confidence, Luis Videgaray.

Also read: Governor of Querétaro dismisses his private secretary after video of alleged bribery in the Senate

In the images you can see Guillermo Gutierrez Badillo —A member of the PAN since 2005, according to party officials— and Rafael Caraveo, who is not a militant, put bundles of 200 and 500 peso bills into plastic bags and then into a black suitcase.

Gutiérrez Badillo worked in the Senate in the past administration and is currently working as private secretary to the governor of Querétaro, the PAN Francisco Domínguez Servién.

Caraveo is identified as a former technical secretary of the Senate and collaborator of the then PAN legislator Jorge Luis Lavalle Maury, who was expelled from the PAN in 2018 along with Ernesto Cordero Arroyo.

In the images released yesterday, the two former officials interact with a third person whose voice is intentionally distorted. The video shows the three subjects counting the bundles of bills and placing them in a suitcase.

Also read: PAN will expel militants if they are confirmed to appear on bribery video: Marko Cortés

After packing the plastic bags with banknotes, who is presumed to be Caraveo questions the third subject present about the delivery number: “It says 19 but it must be 18, right? Because the last time you were not there was delivery 17 “, it states.

The man they are addressing is not seen but a distorted voice is heard that explains that the number is a consecutive number for them to have an internal control of the deliveries they make, but not of how many times they deliver to the same person.

Information disseminated by the head of the FGR, Alexander Gertz ManI was, Last week Lozoya denounced that between 2013 and 2014 he was forced by Peña and Videgaray to distribute bribes in the Senate to obtain the approval of the structural reforms.

According to the statements of Gertz Manero, Lozoya Austin denounced the delivery of 120 million pesos in bribes for a deputy and five senators, supposedly on the orders of Peña Nieto and Videgaray Caso.

Also read: Who are the characters in the video of alleged bribes in the Lozoya case?

After the video was broadcast, Miguel Ontiveros, Emilio Lozoya’s lawyer, issued a statement in which he separated Juan Jesús Lozoya Austin from the YouTube account that bears his name and through which the images were published. Indian:

“Juan Jesús Lozoya Austin does not have an account on the reference platform, so the video was broadcast by committing a crime, creating a false account and supplanting the identity of Mr. Juan Jesús Lozoya Austin” … “The Mr. Juan Jesús Lozoya Austin will present, in the next few hours, the corresponding complaint with the Attorney General of the Republic ”.

He said that any information related to the case of Lozoya Austin must be made through official channels and that the defense of the former director of Pemex will remain attached to the institutional channels to exercise his function.

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