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VIDEO: New York launches recommendations before a nuclear attack, after constant threats from Russia

There are three recommendations provided by the Emergency Department in the event of a nuclear attack on NYC.

Photo: NYC Emergency Department / Courtesy

At the end of May, Russian state television claimed that his country would destroy both coasts of the United States with four nuclear missilesamid tensions between both nations over the invasion of Ukraine… and New York City has an answer.

The Russians quoted a CBS News article from late April, claiming that the aggression to New York, was calculated “incorrectly”as it indicated that a bomb similar to the one on Hiroshima in 1945 could destroy much of Manhattan.

“I will competently tell you that to destroy the entire East Coast of the US, you need two Sarmat missiles and two missiles for the West Coast,” he said. Alexei Zhuravlev, member of parliament and very close to Vladimir Putin.

In this context and in the face of constant threats of a possible nuclear war, the New York City Emergency Department released a video with three tips against a possible nuclear attack.

“Then there was a nuclear attack, don’t ask me how and why, you just have to know that the big one has hit,” says the presenter on a scene of desolate streets.

In the video, car horns and sirens are heard and the presenter suggests: “Get in. Fast. Enter a building. Stay away from windows”.

That first recommendation is followed by: “Stay inside. Close doors and windows. Stand in the center of the building. Clean up right away. Take off your clothes and bathe with soap or shampoo.”

He then suggests staying informed: “Stay informed. Follow the media. Subscribe to NYC notifications. Officers will send emergency alerts (WEAs).”

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At the end of the video, the ways to maintain contact with the authorities in case of an emergency are shown.

Russia’s threats about the use of nuclear weapons began when Putin put his team managing that team of mass destruction on alert, a few days after starting the invasion of Ukraine.

At the end of April, the Russian Foreign Minister, Sergei Lavrov, criticized NATO for considering that it intervenes in the conflict with Ukraine, for which he warned that the threat of nuclear war “should not be underestimated”.

President Joe Biden even responded to such threats in a press conference on April 28, questioning whether the Russia-Ukraine conflict could lead to a Third World War with nuclear effects.

“I am concerned because shows Russia’s despair at their abject failure in not being able to do what they set out to do in the first instance”, considered the president.

Biden has consistently claimed that sending millions of dollars in military and security aid to Ukraine was not a direct attack on Russia, but rather a way of helping Ukrainians defend themselves.

“I believe that [los amagos de guerra mundial] they are more a reflection, not of the truth, but of its failure,” Biden insisted. “So, it’s… number one, it’s an excuse about his failure. But number two, it’s also, if they really mean it… no one should do vain comments about the use of nuclear weapons or the possibility that they will use them. Is irresponsible“.

New York authorities suggest their citizens stay informed in NYC.gov/emergencymanagement o calling 311.

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