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Video: National forest summit to work towards climate protection

National forest summit is intended to work towards climate protection

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Healthy forests are essential in the fight against climate change on several levels. Be it to maintain an intact water cycle, to give space to biodiversity or to store CO2. But the last so-called forest condition survey attested the forests of Germany a sad and more than unhealthy condition. The death rate of old and young trees has increased again. According to the company, it was these dramatic consequences of climate change that prompted the Federal Ministry of Agriculture to set up a National Forest Summit two years ago. Its aim is to bring foresters and scientists together with representatives from politics. This year’s summit took place digitally, but Agriculture Minister Julia Klöckner took the opportunity and visited a forest where reforestation measures are being implemented. The CDU minister praised the success of the sustainability bonus, which was initiated by her ministry and is intended to support forest owners. Reiner Haseloff, Prime Minister of Saxony-Anhalt, who formulated his plans for climate policy, was also there. Haseloff runs for re-election in his state at the weekend. “And now you notice that the temperature is different now, also in the long term. And that’s why we have to come up with something else. Well, the national park concept has to be revised, I can assure you that it is already up my list in case I get an order somewhere on Monday. ” At the forest summit, Minister Klöckner, according to her own statement, wanted to report on how far the plans for sustainable forest management have progressed, the so-called Forest Strategy 2050.


The Federal Ministry of Agriculture is alarmed by the consequences of climate change for German forests. With various strategies more sustainability should be achieved.

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