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Video: Mayor of Riga Mārtiņš Staķis about the twists and turns of his love relationship

In the 360 ​​TV show “Say it out loud”, the Mayor of Riga, Mārtiņš Staķis, was ready to tell about how he met his wife and how these relationships twisted.

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It turns out that Mārtiņš Staķis and his wife Ilze were classmates, even sat on one school bench and were already a couple during school.

However, the two paths later parted and the relationship ended for several years. Mārtiņš met Ilze again with his love of school only ten years later.

As the new mayor of Riga revealed in the show, there was a special agreement concluded during school that provided that if neither Mārtiņš nor Ilze had another serious relationship with the potential for marriage or found something better within ten years, then they should both get married. And friends have shown them this document again at the wedding of Mārtiņš and Ilze … Now Staķis says with humor: “Be careful what you put on paper and sign!”As you know, Staķis and his wife Ilze Paideris-Staķis are raising two sons – teenagers Edvards and Lukas.

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