Home » today » News » Video: Law enforcement officers detain a man with a crowbar and a bicycle in the middle of the night in Sarkandaugava

Video: Law enforcement officers detain a man with a crowbar and a bicycle in the middle of the night in Sarkandaugava

On Midsummer’s Day, June 23, at 2.20 am, Riga municipal police officers patrolling Sarkandaugava noticed a suspicious man pushing a bicycle from the local wooden sheds. He also noticed work gloves and a crowbar, the portal “Delfi” found out from the police.

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Police immediately rushed to him in an ambulance.

The man was stopped and asked about the origin of the bicycle, as well as why a crowbar was with him and what he had done to the sheds before.

During the interview, the man was taken further away from the bicycle and asked to name its make, color and whether there were any specific symbols on it. The man was unable to name the brand of bicycle, however, later pointing out the incorrectness of the answer, he immediately began to justify that he had misunderstood the question and named the brand of the previous bicycle. He has not been able to remember the make of this bicycle, because he bought the new vehicle only two days ago.

The man also convincingly explained what he had done with a crowbar at the shed in the middle of the night. Namely, he owns three of them. In turn, he took the tools he had taken from the barn, because he had heard someone crawling at the barns. The police asked to turn off their sheds, which he immediately executed. No other person was spotted by the sheds.

At a time when the police were almost convinced of his motives, one of the policemen decided to take a close look at the surrounding sheds. During the survey, it was found that none of them was broken. However, a twisted bicycle safety rope was found at one of them.

Asked the man from whom the twisted bicycle rope came from, he initially retorted that he knew nothing about the rope, but after a while he replied that he had noticed the rope and had been tossing it there for several days. At the same time, a knife with a damaged blade was found among the man’s belongings.

Given that law enforcement officers heard many shortcomings in the man’s story, the information was passed on To the State Police. At the request of the State Police officers, the gentleman was taken to the nearest State Police station with all his belongings, including his bicycle. The interviews also revealed that the man had previously come to the attention of the police in connection with the theft.

At the state police station, it was established that on the day of the incident, no one had reported a stolen bicycle corresponding to the one brought.

The police call, if someone recognizes the bicycle as their own, to call 110.

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