Home » today » Business » Video: in Russia, vandals destroyed the “AvtoVAZ” concept car collection.

Video: in Russia, vandals destroyed the “AvtoVAZ” concept car collection.

Unknown criminals entered of Russia in the territory of the historic technical complex of the city of Togliatti, where “AvtoVAZ“A collection of unique prototypes of cars, and many of these vehicles have been vandalized. These cars have broken door handles, broken windows, as well as stolen lights, wheels and interior parts.

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She gives it“prototypes and concepts are made in one example, so the stolen parts are not valid for any of the production cars, so they have no value either in the second-hand market or for installation in your personal car.

Suffering from criminals, for example, is “VAZ-2170 “, which is a precursor or prototype for the popular serial model” Lada Priora “. Also vandalized” VAZ-2116 “,” VAZ-1119 “,” ElAZ-112 “and” Oka-2 “prototype, which is also in series production did not come

Most of these unique cars have the door handles and lights unscrewed, and the vandals also broke the windows of these cars and stole the interior parts. Given that the stolen parts cannot be sold on the secondary market, vandalism is alleged as the main motive for the crime.

The territory of the historical machinery complex of Togliatti is closed and substantially manned by the security service, you can legally enter this territory only with a pass. However, taking into account that the cars were vandalized, probably not in a day, the criminals were able to enter the territory unnoticed permanently.

However, judging by the video report of the scene posted by a blogger, the “AvtoVAZ” concept car collection was stored in the open and the cars were already faded and cracked body paint and varnish layer, so some of the cars not damaged VAZ prototypes are still in poor condition due to inadequate storage.

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