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VIDEO. “I have health problems again…”: Pierre Ménès worried and goes back to the hospital

the essential
Less than two months after worrying those who follow him assiduously on his Youtube channel, Pierre Ménès has once again given some not very reassuring news about his state of health.

The former football columnist of Canal +, Pierre Ménès, has not finished accumulating health problems in recent years. He started six years ago with a double liver and kidney transplant following the cirrhosis of Nash that he developed, also called fatty liver disease or soda ash disease. Then followed a serious Covid, before a very serious contagion last spring which had even “plunged him into a coma”, according to his lawyer, causing the filing in March 2023 of his hearing in criminal court for facts of “sexual violence ».

In October, his health had once again failed him. This time his knees are responsible. “I can no longer leave the house”, he then explained to his subscribers following his absence from social networks.

Unfortunately I am hospitalized again. I will resume my videos as soon as possible. Thanks for your support u2665ufe0f

— Pierre Menes (@PierreMenes) December 1, 2022

This Wednesday, November 30, in the preamble to a video in which he returned to Argentina’s match at the World Cup, Pierre Ménès once again announced that he would have to be absent from his Youtube channel for an indefinite period. . “A little video of my bed, because to be honest I have health problems again that will send me to the hospital tomorrow afternoon (Thursday, ed),” explained the 59-year-old journalist.

“Unfortunately I am hospitalized again”

“I hope to be able to make my videos tomorrow night, but nothing is less certain… Or maybe in a slightly darker setting,” added the former regular on the Canal Football Club set. Since then, radio silence on his Youtube channel.

Pierre Ménès was therefore unable, as he feared, to publish a new video this Thursday evening… At the end of the day, he nevertheless gave a sign of life on his Twitter account: “Unfortunately, I am hospitalized again. I am recovering my video as soon as possible. Thank you for your support.”

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