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VIDEO: Food for thought on Sunday – The strategy of small steps

By Dr. Christoph Glumm


There are times in life when problems are overwhelming. You can no longer see the way forward. You feel like you are Circumstances helpless. The more acute such a situation is, the more important it is to think in short time periods. I have learned this as a doctor in accompanying my patients and as a person affected by it in dealing with my own crises. In such phases, it is helpful to look at each day on its own. Sometimes this is only possible from morning to noon or until the following night. And sometimes there are The situationthe strength only lasts from hour to hour.

This is the Strategy of small stepswhere we divide our strength into manageable sections instead of surrendering to a mountain of problems. Prayer helps with this. When our possibilities are exhausted and our hands are empty, then Christus: “My strength is made perfect in weakness!” (2 Corinthians 12:9) We don’t get this strength in advance. We can’t “save it up.” But when we need it, it’s there right on time. And when we’ve completed one step, we get the strength for the next. In this way, we can cover an astonishingly long distance.

Let us not lose ourselves in our Concerns about the futureLet us consider each day on its own merits – and mobilise our strengths for individual events!


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