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[VIDEO] First municipal council of the year: “When Montpellier progresses, it is the country which progresses”

“When Montpellier progresses, it is the country which progresses,” launches Michaël Delafosse, mayor of the city and president of the metropolis, at the start of this first municipal council of the year. One way to announce his meeting on Wednesday with Emmanuel Macron to discuss the Africa-France summit next July, but also the files, among others: from ZFE Zone to Low Emissions, CHU, ANRU and the future of a police station mixed in Montpellier.

CHU 2020 – 2030 – 2040

Presentation of the Montpellier University Hospital Center sites with a white paper, for its modernization and transformation with ambitious projects. Thomas Le Ludec, CEO of the CHU and Patrice Taourel, President of the CME present the priorities to be implemented in the decades to come: “Humanize, secure, innovate over the period 2020-2030. ” A master plan until 2040, “To work on the future” supports Michaël Delafosse, and each assistant will be present “To support you as well as possible” specifies the mayor who ensures: “I will defend this document from the Head of State on Wednesday. “

Sustainable development, Initial budget 2021, Ecological and inclusive transition

“Beware of words that become brands” warns Stéphane Jouault, deputy mayor in charge of sustainable development before presenting his report. “Sustainable development has become the weapon of massive greenwashing for all those whose objective is to always produce more. “ Then the assistant specifies that this: “Report is not representative of our policy […] straddling two terms of office […] it is really in 2021, with our budget that things will be set up […] for a real policy of ecological transition. “ An ambition widely readable in the initial Budget 2021, defends Stéphane Jouault. A report that highlights two key actions of the majority: “City-State contracting. Montpellier is committed as a territory of the national strategy for the prevention and fight against poverty. And the new tree charter, the creation of the tree committee with the launch of the 50,000 trees operation. “

567.1 Million euros

A 2021 budget adopted. It commits Montpellier to this ecological and united transition. A translation into figures of the priorities of the new executive: the renovation of neighborhoods, education, universal accessibility, public tranquility, solidarity and the greening of the city. The initial 2021 budget amounts to € 567.1M, including € 366.7M for operations and € 200.3M for investment.

A national dimension! “The peaceful governance that is mine, far from conflicts and controversies, allows us to build partnerships with all the actors who can intervene in this territory, the Department, the Region, the State, the agencies […] with the State to meet the Recovery Plan, ” expresses Michaël Delafosse in his answers to elected members of the municipal council, concerning matters 2 and 3.

“Of course there is the crisis, but we must tirelessly prepare for the post-crisis”

“Thank you for taking note of this commitment at a level of investment never reached by the community, ” and the mayor recalls with optimism underlined by Max Levita: “Of course there is the crisis, but we must tirelessly prepare for the post-crisis period,” with among others, education as a top priority.

Ecology and exemplarity

“To ensure that our community is exemplary in the ecological transition. We cannot say to each other, adopt virtuous behavior in relation to the environment, if we ourselves are not exemplary, ” announces the mayor and president Michaël Delafosse, who wishes to emphasize: “The majority that I have the honor to lead is not one camp against another, it is to bring together! “

[VIDEO] Michaël Delafosse, Mayor of Montpellier and President of Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole: perspectives answers and vote of the initial Budget 2021: “This budget is rigorous, it is true that we find some corpses in the cupboards … it is not easy”

“Throwing yourself into any subject, rather than being constructive”

On this occasion, the mayor of Montpellier will give his definition of populism: “To those who practice populism, who throw themselves into any subject, rather than being constructive. “ But sometimes, some topics wouldn’t seem that narrow. Like the € 264,901 line, an exemption made to the world n ° 1 in outdoor advertising: JC Decaux SA. A point raised by Alenka Doulain, the first opponent of the incumbent mayor, who thus highlights a certain “generosity” of the socialist majority against the backdrop of a health crisis, for a group which posted on the stock market a valuation of 3,702 M €. Constructive or not? To be continued…

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