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VIDEO. Firefighter hit in Paris: what we know about the aggression during the May Day demonstration

the essential
A firefighter in intervention was attacked and beaten by a woman this Sunday on the sidelines of the May Day demonstration in Paris.

A firefighter, who was trying to put out a fire of pallets lit on the sidelines of the May 1 demonstration on Sunday in Paris, was attacked by a demonstrator, arousing the indignation of the authorities. Here’s what we know about aggression.


A firefighter was holding his water hose in the direction of the fire when a protester tried to snatch it away. The man, who was trying to put out a fire of pallets lit on the roadway on the sidelines of the May 1 demonstration on Sunday in Paris, was violently attacked. The protester struck him twice with her hand on his helmet.

According to images from BFMTV, the soldier intervened on a fire at the corner of rue Alexandre-Dumas and boulevard Voltaire, in the 11e district of Paris, when the demonstrator came to jostle him to, it seems, prevent him from putting out the fire.

The firefighter was not injured.

The suspect arrested

Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin said at the start of the evening, in front of the police headquarters, that 54 people had been taken into custody. Among them, the protester suspected of having attacked the firefighter.

May 1 demonstrations: 8 police officers injured and 45 thugs arrested, announces Gérald Darmanin

The author of the attack on a firefighter was also arrested, according to the Minister of the Interior u2935 pic.twitter.com/GMDK0IZQOC

— BFMTV (@BFMTV) May 1, 2022

Reactions and indignation

This attack, widely relayed on social networks, aroused great indignation. “That’s enough! Shame on the savagery, incomprehensible this new aggression vis-à-vis the firefighters of Paris in the exercise of their functions, to protect people, property of the City and the smooth running of the event”, tweeted the Paris firefighters.

“The Prefect of Police strongly condemns the scandalous attack suffered by the @PompiersParis of the @prefpolice who intervened on a fire at the corner of rue Alexandre-Dumas and boulevard Voltaire”, reacted for its part the prefecture of police.

“One of our military colleagues from @PompiersParis has just been hit by a demonstrator, and preventing the rescue unit engaged from putting out the fire to protect residents and property. May he be spotted and punished,” said asked the president of the national federation of firefighters of France, Grégory Allione.

? It’s enough ! Shame on the savagery, incomprehensible this new aggression towards the firefighters of Paris in the exercise of their functions, to protect people, the property of the City and the smooth running of the event. # 1erMai pic.twitter.com/Scwd6UqwCV

— @PompiersParis (@PompiersParis) May 1, 2022

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