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Video: Fighting forest fires in Spain

Fighting forest fires in Spain

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Spanish firefighters fought the flames in the center of the country on Monday. The forest fire broke out on Saturday near the town of Navalmoral, about 120 kilometers from the Spanish capital, Madrid. Almost 1,000 people had to leave their homes and get to safety. In the meantime, at least 12,000 hectares of land are said to have been destroyed. Fire-fighting helicopters were also used to fight the fire, and residents helped the fire fighters with the extinguishing work. The fire broke out after a car caught fire on a country road for unknown reasons. The regional government said on Monday that a combination of strong winds, high temperatures and low humidity created perfect conditions for the fire to spread. Gradually, however, the fire brigade is bringing the flames under control. Scientists attribute the current violent forest fires in the Mediterranean region to global warming. This leads to more frequent extreme heat waves and drought.


Almost 1,000 people had to leave their homes and get to safety.

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