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[VIDEO] Éric Piolle in campaign in Uzège, to “bring together the vast humanist arc”

[VIDEO] As part of the primary environmentalists, the Mayor of Grenoble, Éric Piolle was this Monday, August 30, in the countryside in the Gard.

At the end of the afternoon In Garrigues-Sainte-Eulalie, the environmental candidate visited the photovoltaic shade house of the communal home. The opportunity to meet with several cooperative members Citizens for Energy Transition and Conversion (CITRE), Didier Kielpinski, Mayor of Garrigues-Sainte-Eulalie, Bérengère Noguier, Vice-President of the Department, in charge of Ecological Transition and Biodiversity and Pascale Rossler, municipal councilor of Bouquet.

Inaugurated in 2018 and reinforced in 2019, the installation is a fine example of an everyday ecology, which changes production and means of production. “We are in a double reflection, to produce differently and to do pedagogy to limit consumption”, specifies Philippe Pourcher (who will soon give up his president’s hat), “We are in the real economy, far from banks and looking for overall consistency, in this context we are happy to welcome Éric Piolle”.

Very attentive to his interlocutors who discussed in choir the future of this nugget of 300 cooperative members, the environmental candidate takes the time, this Monday afternoon, to listen to them, far from the tumult of Parisian prognosticators, on a territory, which like so many others is the strength of the Country. “Everyone sees the usefulness of this investment which will produce electricity, have a small return for those who have invested in it and irrigate the territory, it is extremely virtuous. […], while protecting themselves from the speculative manes who are entering the renewable energies market, not with a goal of general interest, but by telling themselves this is where there is profit to be made, by trying to reconstruct the income situation they had in fossil fuels ”, explains Éric Piolle.

“We must turn our problems into jobs” – Eric Piolle

Next September, environmentalists will organize their primary open to anyone over the age of 16, in order to nominate their candidate for the presidential election of 2022. The primary is open to all, by registering on a dedicated platform and by paying the symbolic sum of two euros.

“I’ve been campaigning everywhere since I formalized my candidacy on June 30”, emphasizes the candidate for the primary. « I made 35 trips before our summer days which were held in Poitiers last week and I resumed in Grenoble, Valence, Lyon, yesterday, in Uzès today. We are continuing this field work, because a campaign is also a meeting, at the level of France, to feel the scale of the insecurity in which the French live and to propose a path progress. The urgency is the scientists who give it, everyone has heard of course, and I bring with this collective an idea of ​​progress, how to improve our social conditions while respecting the environment, common goods, biodiversity. , by protecting us from climate change and having reasons why we get up in the morning ”.

In practice, the engineer and Mayor of Grenoble pleads “For the gathering of a vast humanist arc, bringing together the forces of social and environmental progress – associations, unions, left-wing movements and environmentalists – at all levels and at each electoral deadline ”.

[VIDEO] Éric Piolle: “ecology is the matrix of all public policies”

At the end of the day, the candidate continued his campaign with a signing session from his book “De l’Espoir! For an ecological Republic ”at the town hall of Uzès, then with a meeting of citizens and associations of the territory.

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