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VIDEO. “Don’t go… to Algeria! “

Provocative and challenging, this title arouses curiosity. This is the purpose of Charge, director and YouTuber who travels the world to capture the most beautiful places on the globe.

With its web-series “Don’t go …”, he takes up prejudices about the countries he visits and demonstrates the opposite in pictures. “Do not go to Algeria” has been viewed over a million times since it was uploaded.

The title is a sham. Behind the sentence “Do not go to Algeria” hides “Come to Algeria”.

In his 3-minute video, Tolt travels through this great Maghreb country, stopping in little-known places that would benefit from being or eating various dishes in the middle of united families.

« What interests me are the countries that are suffering of a negative image or which are unrecognized. Algeria fell within these criteria “, He told France 24.

Tolt takes us to Alger, To Oran or in the middle of the desert among the Tuaregs. Particularly affected by Tipaza, the YouTuber reminds us of the importance of traveling to understand that the world does not stop at the city of birth.

The video shows us an educated, athletic youth, a happy country, green and gold landscapes.

While viewing this tribute to Algeria, we can only want to go there. However, it is more complicated than it seems for foreign tourists. The procedures to obtain a visa when you are a foreigner are complex.

Tolt was lucky. Thanks to an Algerian friend, he was able to undertake this trip and bring us these beautiful images.

Even if Tolt is delighted to have discovered Algeria, he deplores the waste and pollution that spoils the sight of the country. The globetrotter draws the importance of protecting the ancient sites which participate in the history of Algeria.

To conclude, do not go to Algeria… you may not want to go home!

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