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Video: Despite the Corona crisis, the Frankfurt “Kreativ Huhn” is consistently creative for the neighborhood

Don’t forget the self-employed in the Corona crisis: under the motto “Niederrad holds together”, many colleagues have their say in a video by “Kreativ Huhn Frankfurt”.

Niederrad – The fact that Sandra Blecher has been inviting people to do handicrafts, painting, partying and motivating under the name “Kreativ Huhn Frankfurt” for five years is one thing. Another thing is that the creative chicken is more than creative, even in times of the Corona. With a video under the motto “#supportyourlocal – Frankfurt Niederrad holds out”, she ensures that the self-employed are not forgotten despite the restrictions.

Candy colors on the walls, light parquet and light natural wood tables create a positive atmosphere. Even with Sandra Blecher (51), who always wears black. Although she is also suffering severely from the Corona measures because she moved her store “Kreativ Huhn Frankfurt” to a larger one in Schwarzwaldstrasse exactly a year ago and has not been able to offer any events, handicraft and painting courses on site since then, she laughs. “Letting go is not,” she says and explains how she financed the first month’s rent by sewing garden furniture fabrics and then sewing masks. She learned to be a seamstress, but never worked in the profession. “Actually, I wanted to be a costume designer” but then worked for 12 years as a stewardess and at the airport. “It really isn’t easy for artists,” says Blecher between brightly colored egg cartons, papers and a laptop.

Corona Frankfurt: “Frau Huhn” uses video to promote cohesion among the self-employed

Out of necessity, she switched her handicraft courses, workshops and celebrations to digital. Children’s birthdays too. “Doesn’t work, doesn’t exist” is the motto of the happy woman who is regularly addressed as “Frau Huhn” and laughs refreshingly loud. She is fortunate to have tons of ideas through her many professions and her own creativity on how to offer and implement her services without breaking corona rules. “It is really difficult for artists,” she says. Last year she noticed that the pandemic has left many people forgotten. “Actually, I just wanted to team up with other artists, but then I went to the roots,” she says with a smile. “Niederrad has to stick together and #supportyourlocal is simply obvious”, she is sure.

In a video she therefore lets a total of 17 service providers in Niederrad have their say. Shops, bars, yoga, books, flowers, massages, bus tours, cosmetics, shoemakers and much more. The 3.20 minute long video connects entrepreneurs, small business owners, tradespeople, self-employed, freelancers and self-employed persons on behalf of all service providers in the district with the motto “Niederrad holds together”. “Nobody should be forgotten at this strange time. It is important that it is shown again and again how great and colorful Niederrad is. ”The video is booming. It has already reached more than 5,000 people, even though it was only on Facebook can be found.

“Kreativ Huhn Frankfurt”: In the Corona crisis everything is virtual and digital

Everything is colorful at Kreativ Huhn Frankfurt. Blecher combines what takes place in your shop without Corona between virtual and digital. Together with the “Junior Adler Kids” of Eintracht, she put together a model of “Franky”, the soccer club’s eagle mascot – from a toilet roll, egg carton and bright colors. The Crafting instructions for the funny egg cup figure can be requested online and easily copied. There are five mottos for birthday celebrations for children. A whole sea full of fish and starfish virtually swims into the living room, where the kids can join in for an hour and a half. “I send out the handicraft packages and guide the children live,” beamed Blecher. “It’s different than in the store, but it’s a lot of fun.”

In addition, she produces Easter and birthday cards or gives courses in scrapbooking, in which albums are made from photos, texts, decorations and memories that offer an all-round memory. Queen Victoria and the writer Marc Twain were already making scrapbooks in the 19th century. However, this art was almost forgotten. “Today it is different and of course much more sustainable,” says the creative chicken Blecher. It relies on recycling and upcycling. “When Corona is hopefully over soon, we will be together again at the craft tables. Until then, all of us in Niederrad have no choice but to be more creative and stick together. “(Sabine Schramek)

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