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Video: Demo against excessive rents in Berlin

Demo against excessive rents in Berlin

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Rent demo in Berlin. Thousands of critics of the current housing policy took to the streets on Saturday to protest against high rents. Several alliances and organizations called. Here are the voices of some of the participants: GERLINDE SCHERMER FROM THE CITIZENS ‘INTIATIVE BERLINER WASSERTISCH: “How should people who live on low wages and who do not have a proper job? How are they supposed to pay these rents? That is, the government produces homelessness through its policies and we have to prevent that. ” DEMONSTRANT IRMHILD HARBACH-DIETZ: “Rents have risen continuously in recent years. Tenants have fewer and fewer rights to protect themselves. And there is no alternative. People have to live in Berlin if they work in Berlin.” GESINE LÖTZSCH, DEPUTY CHAIRMAN DIE LINKE: “We had decided on a rent cap here in Berlin. MPs from the Bundestag of the CDU and FDP weren’t too good to complain against it. And of course the second big point is Deutsche Wohnen and Co. expropriate so that finally rents don’t explode as they have in the past few years. ” Above all, the future federal government called for a clear change of course in rent and housing policy, and the initiators were supported by the German Tenants’ Association and the Berlin regional associations of several trade unions.


Thousands of critics of the current housing policy took to the streets on Saturday.

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