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Video captures exact moment when PDI shoots a man in Renca: he lost his eyeball | National

A video captured the exact moment in which a PDI official fired a rubber pellet at a man who lost his eyeball on Thursday afternoon in Renca.

The audiovisual piece that Radio Bío Bío accessed – edited by the person who gave it up to highlight the participants – confirms part of the version of the affected, identified with the initials RARP, who pointed out that he was in a nearby square when he was reached by the projectile.

All this, while an extensive drug trafficking operation was carried out in three homes in Lo Velásquez, in which four people were arrested.

As reported this day, the man had to be taken to the Felix Bulnes Hospital to treat his wound.

As it became known, RARP has a large police file: it has at least eight arrests and complaints between 2002 and 2019, for threats, minor injuries, carrying a sharp weapon and robbery with rape.

Declaration of the PDI

After the events occurred, the PDI released a public statement, stating that “within the framework of the institutional transparency policy, the information was made available to the Prosecutor’s Office.”

Precisely the Public Ministry ordered that the investigations be undertaken by the Human Rights Brigade of the Investigative Police to clarify what happened.

Along these lines, the civil police reiterated that “their procedures are always in accordance with the law, respecting the dignity of the people at all times.”

In any case, they pointed out that “they will not accept any type of aggression against personnel who are working on a judicial order, since there will be a response from police personnel to the aggression of which they are being victims.”

Check out the video here:

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