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Video: Brazil: Half a million corona deaths

Pressure in the head after straightening up?

Hello everyone, I hope that there are some in the forum who are somewhat familiar with medicine. For about 12 years I have felt pressure in the head and neck area every time I get up after a long drive or after sitting for a long time. This pressure is also pulse-synchronized, but it is not tinnitus. Nobody could help me, nor give me advice. Examinations, ultrasound, heart, veins, blood vessels, everything is fine. I also don’t get dizzy when I get up, my blood pressure is normal. A doctor once said that for some reason the vessels in the head expand after I get up, which WOULD be normal and I am particularly aware of this. Circulatory regulation is also all normal, Schellong test done, so really everything. It feels like doing a handstand, everyone knows that you feel pressure in the head because the blood rushes to the head, but that’s exactly how pressure I have when I stand up, BUT only after sitting for a long time . But disappears in about a minute. When I lie down and get up, I don’t have this pressure at all, only after getting up in a sitting position, it is especially bad when I get out of the car. I have no neck tension, was also during massages, X-rayed cervical spine everything is OK. If someone has such a case, write your experiences here, or maybe one of you knows a friend who has fixed it. I would be happy mfg

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