Home » today » Health » Video .. Bagour hospital doctors washed, deceased, in Corona, his family refused to receive the body

Video .. Bagour hospital doctors washed, deceased, in Corona, his family refused to receive the body

The physicians and nursing staff at El-Bagour Hospital for Medical Insulation in Menoufia Governorate, washed one of the deceased due to the Corona virus “Covid 19” and held the funeral prayer for him, after the washers and the deceased’s family refused to wash it and pray on it.

A video clip circulating on the media media platforms showed a medical staff from the hospital, and its members prayed for the deceased after the deceased’s family refused to wash and pray upon him, including Dr. Mahmoud Taher and Dr. Abdel Ghani, who was said to be the first time that they washed a death.


Major General Ibrahim Ahmed Abu Limon, Governor of Menoufia, had instructed to take swabs from medical and nursing staff at the Bagour isolation hospital, as part of his constant desire to support medical and nursing staff, and to ensure their health and safety, and to ensure the negativity of their samples and not infection with the Corona virus, stressing the preparation of the university city Bishbeen El-Kom to stay and provide meals over the duration of their stay.

The Governor of Menoufia was keen to support the medical teams in view of their heroic role, as he agreed in advance to pay a financial reward of 100 thousand pounds as an incentive for the medical staff at the Bagour General Hospital and the UNESCO Center in Sars al-Lyan in appreciation of their heroic role in this current stage to counter the spread of the Corona virus, as directed during his pre-visit to the Fever Hospital Shebin Shebin El-Kom to pay a financial reward and a certificate of appreciation to the employees of the isolation department in honor of their dedication to their work and an incentive to continue to provide a good service.

It is noteworthy that Major General Ibrahim Ahmed Abu Limon, Governor of Menoufia, announced that 6 thousand cartons of foodstuffs and 5 tons of meat will be distributed in addition to 1,000 cartons of disinfectant materials for families of domestic isolation and those affected by the repercussions of the spread of the Corona virus, as well as the most needy families and irregular employment in various centers, cities and villages The governorate, through the Long Live Egypt Fund in coordination with the Orman Association, this came during his inspection of the delivery of food cartons to the heads of local units and neighborhoods and in the presence of Major General Alaa Rashad, the Secretary-General of the governorate.

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