Home » today » Entertainment » VIDEO | Alina Mungiu Pippidi, about Klaus Iohannis: ‘He was mediocre and lacking in courage, he did not build meritocracy’ – News by sources

VIDEO | Alina Mungiu Pippidi, about Klaus Iohannis: ‘He was mediocre and lacking in courage, he did not build meritocracy’ – News by sources

Political scientist Alina Mungiu Pippidi is of the opinion that whoever wins the internal elections in PNL and USR PLUS will make a pact with the secret services. The political scientist expressed his disappointment with incumbent President Klaus Iohannis, whom he supported.

“In PNL, ideas and programs cannot triumph. Regardless of who triumphs in the PNL, he will make a pact with the secret services. In a democracy, there must be civilians, the secret services cannot decide. And if the civilians win in the PNL, they make the pact with the secret services after they win. I’m not sorry I supported Klaus Iohannis. Iohannis was mediocre and lacking in courage, he did not build meritocracy. I’m sorry Iohannis didn’t do more. Cioloş is a more honest man than many “, Mungiu Pippidi declared on Aleph News, in the OFF / On The Record show.

“It is normal to have big protests on social issues. We don’t have that. Civil society is weak. The private sector should have civil society and trade unions. In our country, private civil society is not at the level of 1880. The private sector must also have its civil society. We have no inclination, no one cares. State unions are extraordinarily weak. As you can see, there are no protests. Anti-vaccinists are very mobilized. We do not protest that we are convicted at the ECHR on unfair trials. We are in 1st place ahead of Turkey and Russia. Romanian democracy is beginning to fail. These are serious violations of Romanian democracy. Romania has serious deviations from the rule of law. It is not only the pandemic, this is the negative trend “, said the political scientist Alina Mungiu Pippidi.

How effective is anti-corruption in Romania? Alina Mungiu Pippidi believes that judges are “better”, while the prosecutor’s office is “worse”: “We have gathered all the anti-corruption agencies in 200 countries. Countries with anti-corruption agents have not progressed. I think the Romanian and Indonesian agencies were the best. If an anti-corruption agency is good, it starts fighting for it to be politically controlled. In countries with systemic corruption, you cannot fight an elite unit. Countries that have escaped corruption have had much broader strategies. In our country, other types of measures have been taken occasionally. We don’t have as much corruption as we did 15 years ago. We are led by fools. The quality of our legislation is grade 3. There are no groups working to improve the quality of legislation. No one has good people because no one is looking for them. It is not a signal from the head of state that you are looking for successful people. The signal is not for meritocracy. “

“Justice in Romania has not been completely violated by politicians. We are worse off with the prosecutor’s office. The Romanian judiciary has reasonably been digitized. It is good that the motivations are published in the pronouncements. The Romanian Prosecutor’s Office has not evolved. We need to see complaints and solutions online. We have been complaining to Nicusor Dan for 7-8 years, so far the prosecutor’s office has not bothered to answer us. Prosecutor’s offices have received millions to digitize. DNA has not been digitized, but the money is very large. It is not possible for the state to take millions of euros to digitize itself and for NGOs to do all the work. If you don’t make anti-corruption transparent, what the hell are you doing with transparency? Prosecutors received very good recommendations through the Greco report. We need to focus on administrative leverage. Every institution must have administrative goals and logistics. Prosecutors need to play a greater role in judging prosecutors effectively. SIIJ and the Judicial Inspection will disappear. It is a big decision in the EU to eliminate these disciplinary chambers. Prosecutors are crying for services because they grew up that way. The SRI did the DNA work and the DNA took the papers and sent them to court. Fortunately, for now, CCR has solved the problem. But we must be vigilant, there will be attempts to reintroduce everything “, said the political scientist Alina Mungiu Pippidi, on Aleph News, in the OFF / On The Record show.

Political scientist Alina Mungiu Pippidi drew attention in the OFF / On The Record show on Aleph News that Romania must solve its systemic problems in education, an example in this sense being the famous “doctoral factories”:

“No systematic measures have been taken in Education. In Education there are actors and scapegoats. A large mass of education opposes systemic projects. I made a simple evaluation system for doctoral schools. We have to deal with the doctoral factories. In Germany, plagiarists resign. Let’s look at who was on the commissions, those people don’t have to give doctorates anymore. In Romania, we have to give fewer doctorates. Let’s get this out of the law: you can’t teach without a doctorate. My brother, the most awarded director, can’t press that he wouldn’t have a doctorate. We must not make doctors people who have no vocation for research. We want practitioners but we don’t have to give them doctorates. Prohibitions in the law are to generate annuities. The legislation must be taken into account, it must be cleaned up. “

“We are in a very bad situation with the secret services. I do not know a country in the EU where there is no control of the secret services. We do not know the expenses of the secret services. From voting to vaccination, everything was given to the secret services. It had to be done as in Denmark: out of 7 secret services, 2 remained. They had to be reorganized and there should be one civilian and one military. The secret services must be brought under control and the expenses must be published “, said Alina Mungiu Pippidi, on Aleph News, in the OFF / On The Record show.

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