Home » today » News » Video – A draft horse got sick in the middle of the street in New York due to the heat wave – LINFO.re

Video – A draft horse got sick in the middle of the street in New York due to the heat wave – LINFO.re

The horse, struggling after a faint, recovered after 45 minutes. The incident occurred on Wednesday, August 10 in midtown Manhattan in New York.

animal in distress

The heat wave to New York (United States) also has serious consequences for animals. A cheval fell victim to high temperatures in this large American city on Wednesday 10 August. As the thermometer read nearly 31C, 14-year-old Ryder, a touring carriage horse passed out in the middle of the road. The images of the video transmitted by Le Parisien show officers of the New York Police Department, the NYPD, watering the animal, visibly in distress.

The incident was communicated to animal welfare services

Buckets of ice were poured over the body of cheval to cool his body temperature. The animal managed to get up after 45 minutes, police at the scene said. Several local media have explained that before the arrival of the authorities, the driver of the carriage would have asked the animal in poor condition to get up. The horse was reportedly slapped in the side, forcing it to stand on its legs. In shock, many witnesses who witnessed the scene on the street. According to the NYPD, animal welfare services were notified of the incident in accordance with standard procedure.

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