Home » today » Business » VIDEO ⟩ Three students take the math exam in the whole school, one passes. The program analyzes exam results

VIDEO ⟩ Three students take the math exam in the whole school, one passes. The program analyzes exam results

When evaluating the results of the exams, a tendency is evident that schools with larger numbers of students show better performance.

But there are exceptions, and several small schools have achieved very good results. This week, Latvian Television visited three small schools, where the exam results stand out especially against the background of other schools and common trends.

Last year, the 9th graders took the centralized exams for the first time, instead of the previous state tests, and they were organized with the aim of obtaining an objective overview of the performance and knowledge of students throughout the country.

The biggest stumbling block for students is traditionally math. Last year, the most students were left without a certificate precisely because of mathematics, and this is the case year after year. In mathematics, the average result in the country in 2023, at the end of elementary school, was 50.5%. In smaller schools, the average is even lower – around 40%.

If you look at the schools that had the worst results in the mathematics exam last year, the primary school of Kalnciem parish in Jelgava district stands out in a negative sense, where the average score last year was 7.3% – so unsuccessful. Only three students took the mathematics exam. One student managed to pass this exam, and she was the only one from the class to receive a certificate of basic education.

The Ministry of Education is not surprised by such data and emphasizes that the negotiations on the arrangement of the school network are ongoing.

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– 2024-04-14 12:58:47

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