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Vida Lill Gausemel Berge: – At quarantine hotel:

Vida Lill Berge (31) has become a familiar face in recent years, and vote, for the Norwegian people. She made a name for herself on screen when she won “Paradise Hotel” in 2012, and this spring she has been seen in “Kompani Lauritzen”. In addition, she has become a well-known radio voice.

In the years since the “Paradise” participation, the 31-year-old has traveled to Mexico to work on the production of the scandal series. This year was no exception.

Now she has replaced white sandy beaches and sunny days in Mexico with Norwegian soil again. However, one obstacle stands between her and her own bed: quarantine hotel.

FIRST OUT: Three participants had to leave “Kompani Lauritzen” in Saturday’s episode. Video: Red Carpet / TV 2
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– A different stay

On Instagram, she has in recent days diligently shared her experience at the hotel so far, and to Dagbladet she admits that the whole thing is already starting to get quite repetitive.

Fortunately, she is allowed to ventilate a bit in the local area during the day, which she greatly appreciates.

BUQUET: To make time go by, Vida Lill has been out picking white wheat as a decoration for the hotel room.  Photo: Private

BOUQUET: To make time go by, Vida Lill has been out picking white wheat as decoration for the hotel room. Photo: Private
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– I picked a small bouquet of white wheat today and put it on my dining table, which is a tiny little table next to the bed. It’s a different hotel stay, I would say, she laughs.

The reality profile further says that it feels special that she can only choose between the bed or a chair in the room, and that these are the two places she has to stay.

– When everything just slides into each other, when it goes from day to night and you only move 30 centimeters. It is a “once in a lifetime” experience. It is also a bit exciting to be one of the few who get to experience this strange quarantine hotel.

BED FOOD: Vida Lill Gausemel Berge provided a good atmosphere in bed at «Paradise Hotel» in 2012, when she satisfied both Stian Thorbjørnsen and Mads Larsen at the same time. Video: TV3
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Hellstrøm had been angry

The menu includes three meals a day – breakfast, lunch and dinner.

– I think the breakfast is great, it’s so good with a slice of bread when you’ve been to Mexico. Then you really appreciate kneipp bread with toppings – it’s sort of the most delicious I’ve tasted in a long time, she admits.

BROWN AND BLID: After a hotel stay in luxurious surroundings in Mexico, Vida Lill is now in a quarantine hotel at Gardermoen.  Photo: Private

BROWN AND HAPPY: After a hotel stay in a luxurious environment in Mexico, Vida Lill is now in a quarantine hotel at Gardermoen. Photo: Private
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On Instagram, she has shared both videos and photos of the food she has been served, and it is no secret that you are not served Michelin-quality food.

– Food wrapped in foil or plastic never looks appetizing. I’m not complaining, because I did not expect it to be gourmet in the room here. At least I get food, but some of the dishes may look… had Hellstrøm been here he would have been angry. But you get good and full, she points out and laughs.

ANSWER TO THE CRITICISM: There has been a storm surrounding the recording of “Paradise Hotel”, because the production chose to record in Mexico during the pandemic. Host Triana Iglesias responds to the criticism. Video: Madeleine Liereng / Reporter: Kine Falch
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Looking forward to lunch

When Dagbladet took this chat with the 31-year-old, she was on day two of the stay, and admitted that she is still getting to know the feeling.

– I just saw that they started rigging for lunch out in the hallway, with some rolls and butter – maybe it will be soup – I am very excited! It’s one of the highlights, because it’s really the only thing that happens.

SOUP OR PASTA ?: Yesterday the 31-year-old had prepared soup for lunch.  It was pasta.  Photo: Private

SOUP OR PASTA ?: Yesterday, the 31-year-old had prepared soup for lunch. It was pasta. Photo: Private
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It turned out later that the lunch was not soup, but pasta. She was very happy with that. And fortunately, her boyfriend Bendik has taken the trip with her mac, so that she does not have to watch linear TV.

– It was a bit tiring to look at advertising breaks, when you have not done it in five years.

GARDEMOEN: – It is a necessary quarantine you have to take, says traveler May Kristin Knutsen. Video: Christian Roth Christensen.
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– Talking to myself

– What do you really do all day long?

– Good question. I have a can of red wine from the tax-free that I think I will drink a little cheat on when the weekend comes. Get a little drunk, she laughs, and adds:

– I talk to myself now too, a bit like: “Yes yes yes, what are we going to do today then, Vida Lill?” I’m glad you have the opportunity to test yourself, because ten days sounds so insanely long compared to seven. Time moves slowly, but surely, forward.

Due to the time difference, she adds that she is extremely “jet lagged”. Today she woke up at 4:45.

– What do you do then, from 04:45, until breakfast is served? There will be a lot of series, yes, she laughs.

DRIVING AWAY: She came home after what she thought was a necessary errand to her apartment in Gran Canaria, and describes returning home as very uncomfortable. Reporters: Agusta Magnusdottir and Øystein Andersen. Video: Henning Lillegård
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New season

As mentioned, Vida Lill had great success in “Paradise Hotel”, among other things by running naked around the hotel. About the new season, which is just around the corner for avid fans, she has only words of praise to come.

– It was so much fun. I think we have made one of the best seasons ever. Season 14 has everything a reality series needs.

– It has drama, completely insanely happy people – perhaps the happiest cast so far – and it has lots of games, tactics and of course lots of love and relationship drama. Now I’m incompetent on season four, but I think it’s up and nodding with it. It’s great.

As is well known, Vida Lill was herself a participant in season four, where she ran away with the victory and the cash prize after throwing the ball to the ground.

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