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Victory for Ukraine is approaching, the threat of nuclear war becomes more real

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

A number of offices United States of America declare victory Ukraine ever closer, but a threat nuclear war it became even more evident after the destruction of part of the Crimea-Russia bridge.

The four officials said it was difficult to avoid a nuclear escalation given Moscow’s increasingly weaker forces in Ukraine.


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Russia has lost the war in every way, but we cannot celebrate Ukraine’s victory yet,” said a senior defense intelligence officer. News weekWednesday (12/10).

He later said: “The conditions Putin told us could justify a nuclear escalation is underway. This includes threats to Russia’s territorial integrity and the country’s survival.”

According to other US officials, Putin now shows no respect for their values ​​or principles.

“What prompted him to use nuclear weapons is a question we need to find answers to,” the second official said.

All officials agree on the use of the impact of nuclear use. They therefore asked for a clearer point on nuclear deterrence. They are also looking for ways to avoid it and dispel the feeling inside Putin that he has no choice but to use nuclear weapons.

[Gambas:Video CNN]

“Our work now must enter Putin’s mind, not only to prevent him, but also to find a way out for him,” another official said.

Meanwhile, the Pentagon has seen no evidence that Putin has decided to use nuclear weapons. However, they warned that the decision to use the weapon rests with the Russian leadership.

“Nobody can read [pikiran] Put in. Just like he made the irresponsible decision to invade Ukraine. You know, he could have made other decisions, “US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said.

Since the beginning of the invasion, Putin has been threatening a nuclear escalation. He said a real threat to Russia could push him over the threshold.

Now, Russia is deploying troops on all fronts. The Kremlin also sees its territory under attack, as evidenced by the destruction of the bridge connecting Crimea-Russia or the Kerch bridge.

The explosion on the bridge further pushed Putin to use nuclear power.

A few days before the explosion of the bridge, Ukrainian troops managed to seize the territory controlled by the Moscow troops. They also managed to push back the Russian army.

“The Ukrainian successes and the internal opposition accompanying the national mobilization” [Rusia]pushing Putin even further into a corner, “the senior US intelligence official said.

He later said: “Russia’s existential survival is at stake, as is Putin’s survival.”

Putin was furious after part of the Kerch bridge was destroyed. This bridge, it is
This bridge connects the Black Sea to the Azov Sea, where the main ports of Ukraine are located, including Mariupol.

For Moscow, the bridge symbolizes the physical “reunification” of Crimea with Russia, according to CNN.

The bridge is also a physical expression of Putin’s goal of linking Ukraine to Russia. He even drove a truck when he inaugurated this bridge in 2018.

“It is no longer possible to leave crimes of this type unanswered,” Putin said, quoted by Newsweek.

“[Serangan balasan] it will be brutal and appropriate to its scale, with the level of threat created for Russia. “

After Putin’s statement, Russia fired hundreds of missiles at Ukraine in three days.

Following the attack, several cities such as Kiev, Lviv, Kherson were without electricity and water.

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[Gambas:Video CNN]

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