These are two important decisions, which sound like victories, for the residents of the industrial orchards of Fontorbe (group The Southern Orchards), in Lavaur in the Tarn: The Court of Castres declared null all the assignments against environmental associations. And the municipalities of Ambres, Giroussens, Labastide Saint-Georges and Saint-Lieux-les-Lavaur have equipped themselves with connected anemometers which will make it possible to monitor spreading conditions.
Recall of facts : In March 2022, the documentary We are smoked out: when the apple poisons our liveswas the subject of a complaint by the SCEA Fontorbe for denigration against 5 associations (Will Nature Environmentl’UPNET, FNE Midi-Pyrenees, React Transnational et The poppies of the Vauis), the Peasant Confederation du Tarn and the director of the film.
The eternal fight of David against Goliath
After a year of legal proceedingsthe judge of the Court of Castres (dated April 6, 2023) declared void all summonses and condemned the SCEA Domaine de Fontorbe to pay the sum of 1500 euros pursuant to article 700 of the code of civil procedure. We learned in a press release from the associations.
The aceCEA Domaine de Fontorbe expressed his willingness to appeal the decision.
For associations Nevertheless, “This is a great victory for freedom of expression and the protection of residents living near industrial farms, who are worried about their health and that of their environment. It is the eternal fight of David versus Goliath!”
Access the video:
Communal anemometers to measure and alert

On the other hand, four communal anemometers connected, to measure the power of the wind during spreading will be installed. The first subject of concern raised by the inhabitants being in fact that of the spreading phytosanitary products, especially in high winds.
The apple is the fruit that receives the most phytosanitary treatments with, according to the associations, “about 35.1 treatments undergone during the campaign”citing a study by The Minister of Agriculture (Agreste), published in 2011.
The regulations on the subject indicates, specifies the associations, “that beyond 19 km/h any spreading is prohibited. However, on March 14, 2022, the SCEA Fontorbe spread plant protection products despite an orange vigilance of strong wind
on the department.” An investigation is still ongoing in this regard.Lucas Crosnier, director of Domain Fontorbehad been placed in the custody of the chief “use of plant protection product without respecting the conditions of use determined by the administrative authority”, had specified the parquet floor of Castres.
(Contacted at the time par Tell them ! several times by e-mail, Fontorbe orchards never responded to our requests.)
“We are in the heart of the spreading period. The idea is above all to have a precise vision of the wind strength over the whole sector in real time, and to have access to a precise history of all this data. Because several residents alert us to spreading carried out despite the wind, without being certain of its power. Today we can finally measure it and alert the competent authorities“, welcome the associations, which regret however that “the mayor of Lavaur opposed the installation of an anemometer in his town even though the majority of conventional varieties are grown, and moreover nearby direct from a structure welcoming people with disabilities, and many local residents.”
The trauma of the fumes of April 2021

The Vauréens remain traumatized by the episode of the fumes caused by the Domaine de Fontorbe to fight against frost in April 2021 (read below). Clouds of opaque smoke over several kilometers around causing the hospitalization of at least twenty peoplethe triggering of the plan blanc at the Lavaur hospital, and the closure of the D87 departmental road for 5 km during the morning of April 13, 2021.
Few people were aware of the extent of these orchards until then (325 hectares or the equivalent of nearly 450 football pitches).
Residents now want that regular air analyzes be carried out, as well as a health survey. Because if farmers are the first to be affected by diseases linked to the use of phytosanitary products, the exposure of local residents to these products has not yet been studied…
Philippe MORET
All illustrations of this article are screenshots from the movie WE ARE FUCKED. Agro-industry, when the apple poisons our lives
Tell them ! follows the case:
Tarn: A collective action initiated against the toxic fumes of the Vergers de Fontorbe
Mobilization: The bone of contention of antifreeze fires in the Tarn
#Environment #Double #victory #residents #Fontorbe #orchards