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Victory for cleaning employees at Necker hospital

The public assistance of hospitals in Paris (APHP), which subcontracts to cleaning companies activities essential for public health, has renewed its markets. Always subcontract for ever more savings on the backs of the most precarious employees !

At the call of their union, since 1is March, the maintenance staff of the hospitals of Paris (Necker, Cochin, Saint Antoine, Pompidou ..) are on strike to denounce the conditions of resumption imposed on them. With their FO union, they quite simply demand respect for the collective agreement and the law and in particular the contractual transfer and the maintenance of the site agreements that they had to wrestle with during strikes with other providers.

Nothing was spared to the employees who were fighting: agitators and strikebreakers, resorting to the police to prevent access to the site, endangering patients by bringing in personnel not trained in bio-cleaning, threats of deposits complaint from the principal, refusal of negotiations, summons to court, recommended by the company to employees to refuse the transfer, etc.

Nothing, however, undermined their determination !

After 5 days of strike action, with the support of hospital staff and their FO union, the Challancin company, which took over the market, accepted a compromise and satisfied the employees’ demands. The strike was therefore suspended pending the implementation of the agreement obtained.

The FEETS-FO gave its support to the employees engaged in the strike, demanded from the principal, the AP-HP, the respect of the regulatory and legal provisions by the application of the collective agreement of the cleaning companies. The FEETS-FO also alerted the Minister responsible for hospitals, on this desire for social dumping of hospitals. !

The struggle pays off, this victory, at the trade union and legal level, is decisive since it secures the collective agreement, a source of conflict for the application of transfers, and thwarts attempts at circumvention. Beyond that, the Federation calls on the public authorities to:

• Recognize the work of those who work as contractors in hospitals ;

• Put cleaning employees at the same level of social guarantees as hospital employees ;

• Act, finally by supervising subcontracting in this sector which is at the origin of precariousness, multi-employment, low wages.

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