Home » today » World » Victoria to ban display of Nazi symbols after Australian police call for more powers against extremist ideologies

Victoria to ban display of Nazi symbols after Australian police call for more powers against extremist ideologies

Anti-Nazi symbol laws are expected to be introduced to the Victoria state parliament in early 2022, where they will receive bipartisan support. Under the laws, it will become an offense to publicly display Nazi symbols in Victoria – and the state should also expand its hate speech laws to protect sexual orientation and gender identity.

Those who have a legitimate historical or educational reason for displaying Nazi symbols will be exempt from prosecution.

Australian Federal Police have pushed for a ban. In April, Mike Burgess, the chief executive of the Australian Security Intelligence Organization (ASIO), called for the “Criminalization of the public display of flags and other extremist badges. “ He told a parliamentary intelligence committee that a terrorist attack in Australia is likely in the next 12 months and that it could be nationalistic in nature.

In 2020, a Victoria owner was reported to police for displaying a Nazi flag in his backyard, but authorities decided it was not a crime.

In January, a group of far-right extremists were pictured giving Nazi salutes in Victoria’s Grampians National Park, where they were also reportedly shouting slogans, including “White power! “ – and some had Nazi symbols tattooed on their bodies. Despite the complaints, police said no visible crime had been committed by the group.

Victorian Prime Minister Daniel Andrews asserted at the time that “Anti-Semitism is on the rise” both in Australia and around the world.

Victoria Attorney General Jaclyn Symes argued on Thursday that a swastika ban would be “Send a strong signal” to extremists, and stressed that such symbols have “No place in our state. “

“The fact that you have to ban something that shouldn’t happen in 2021 is quite sad, but it is necessary. “ she added.

In March, after a report from parliament recommended banning Nazi symbols in the state, Israeli-Australian Dvir Abramovich – the chairman of the Australian Defamation Commission – called it “A day of thunder for the history books” and “A triumph for the victims of the Holocaust. “

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