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Victoria Koblenko finds extravagant style of clothing inappropriate at this time

For corona, Victoria didn’t care if she came in overdressed somewhere. Her starting point used to be: this is how I feel and if people want to think about it, that is their problem. Now she thinks that is inappropriate. “Because I feel that there is a very big shadow hanging over us all. Am I still empathetic if I go to the market extravagantly? That becomes a bit taboo,” said the actress.

Victoria even feels she is blamed when she celebrates something elaborate. “You should see how my DM fills up with angry reactions to the fact that we were staying overnight in a hotel with good food and a beauty treatment,” she takes as an example. “People immediately very aggressively label it: yes, you do and we don’t!”

Yet the corona crisis also hit Victoria. For example, she was only able to do one sixth of what was planned in the past year. “Around me I saw many people who were weighed down by their work or beautiful journeys being lost. We too, but I will not let any virus determine what makes me happy.”

However, she has started to look differently at who she is when she is not doing her job. “A significant part of my time is therefore not concerned with where I normally get my finances and satisfaction from. And I actually loved that. Which is not to say that I don’t miss acting. It took everyone to turn all the knobs. : how do I keep my sanity?”

We may see Victoria again later Good times Bad Times. In the video below, she looks back on her time at the soap.

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