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Victims of UVA credits will march on Tuesday

January 17, 2021 – 02:06
The freezing of the installments paid for mortgage loans ends in February and could rise by 51%. There are about a thousand families from Salta affected.

The days that remain until the end of January are like an ordeal for the families who acquired UVA mortgage loans (Units of Purchasing Value) and became victims of a system that they consider usurers. The fact is that in February the freezing of the price of the installments paid for their loans ends and the value would rise by 51%, if the national government does not intervene.

To demand that the quotas not be updated and, fundamentally, that a sustainable credit solution be provided, the Salta victims of that plan will hold a demonstration next Tuesday. They will meet at 10 in front of the Legislature and from there they will march to different banks in the capital center.

In Salta, about a thousand families are affected by the mortgage program launched in 2016, which promised to provide a solution to the Argentine housing crisis. The problem is that UVAs are tied to inflation rates: fees rise in line with the cost of living, which in recent years has grown more than salaries. In another country, with normal inflation and responsible political leadership, the model could have worked. Here it was a failure.

The largest portion of the injured corresponds to those who were benefited with Procrear. Around 700 families were awarded in the three urban developments of that plan in the capital (in the Grand Bourg, El Huaico and Talavera neighborhoods) and in Tartagal. There were also those who took out UVA credits to buy their first home, to build one or to expand their homes.

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Mara García is one of the organizers of Tuesday’s march. Counted to The Tribune that since September 2019, when the freezing of the value of the installments began, he pays $ 14,600 per month to meet his Procrear credit.

If prices are released in February, they will pay $ 22,600 and from there the fees will rise month by month, due to inflation.

But there is an even bigger problem. The UVA system also applies to the capital or value of the mortgaged property.

“I took out my loan in February 2019 for a total of $ 1,400,000 and currently that capital reaches $ 2,600,000 and continues to increase,” explained García.

“It is impossible to know when we are going to finish paying the house and much less for how much money,” the woman warned and said that she knows cases of families that have already put their homes up for sale because they cannot support the installments or the uncertainty.

He pointed out that they returned to “zero page” after some progress that had been made with the previous head of the Ministry of Territorial Development and Habitat of the Nation, María Eugenia Bielsa. In the new management, led by Jorge Ferraresi, they are not even served.

“Now they tell us that it is a contract between private companies and that we have to go and negotiate our loans with the banks that gave us. They let go of our hands,” he denounced and recalled that the UVA credits were launched as a government policy and the president himself Alberto Fernández, before taking office, had promised to provide a solution to those affected. In fact, the new Procrear loans have an update of their installments under the salary index, but the same was not implemented in the previous plan.


Something similar is suffered by people who bought vehicles with UVA loans, who even had a greater adjustment in their loan installments. For example, there are victims whose fees ranged from $ 10,000 to $ 35,000.

The problems of this sector will also be reflected next Tuesday in a national march that will visit Casa Rosada and Congress.

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