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Victim of a serious accident last February: the tireless fight of Estelle Riche

Partly disfigured after a serious road accident, Estelle resumes her life. A few months after her accident, she returns to this tragedy and talks about her job as a make-up artist. She also talks about her faith and her devotion to God. It is thanks to him that she is still part of this world.

On TikTok, Estelle Riche, 39, enjoys great popularity. Indeed, this artist-make-up artist is very followed on the social network. A former nurse, this mother of an 8-year-old boy decided to think outside the box to achieve her ambitions. Unlike the others, she did not take a training course in a specialized school. Imaginative, creative and endowed with a great artistic sense, she learned everything through videos on YouTube or Instagram.

She tested makeup on herself before getting into the business.

Her talent allows her to transform into a glamorous woman in a very short time. This resident of Camp-de-Masque-Pavé, who had been working as a makeup artist for a year, was in great demand for weddings, among other things.

Life, which she crunched with beautiful teeth, smiled at her, until a tragedy comes to upset her destiny forever. It was February 27. That day, she had an appointment around 7 a.m. with a singer who had to be made up and styled during a shoot. ” I was late. My nephew came to pick me up by car to take me to the singer. I was sitting in the back and fell asleep when the car hit a bus. I don’t remember the accident, which was extremely violent. I woke up in Jawaharlal Nehru Hospital, Rose-Belle, after two weeks. My nephew was also injured, but not seriously,” says Estelle.

The mother was thrown onto the dashboard of the car. His face was riddled with wounds caused by flying shards from the windshield. She also had a punctured lung, a fracture in her left leg as well as in her tibia and knee. Her jaw was fractured and her eyes were also injured. Estelle confides: “I was in a bad state and seriously injured. The doctors had given me only a few days to live, but God decided otherwise and spared me. I asked him to let me live, because I had to take care of my husband, my child and my relatives. They were devastated when the doctor explained that the end was near.

Estelle showed extraordinary courage and in less than three months, she resumed her life and her professional activities. She considers herself a miracle and feels that God has given her a second life. “I want to thank everyone who prayed for my recovery. I advise people who are going through difficult times to call on God and to keep trusting in him. That’s how you’re going to see the light at the end of the tunnel,” she says.

Estelle also had the courage to recently post videos of her accident on TikTok. With her usual talent, she skillfully concealed her scars with makeup and uploaded the photos. Her goal is to motivate people who are in the same situation as her. With her nimble fingers, she demonstrated to teach other women how to hide a scar with makeup. She also gives advice on the products to use.

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