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Vicky Graillot, high level weightlifter with the Olympics as a goal

France 3 Bourgogne offers you portraits of young people who are 20 years old in 2020. Today’s meeting with Vicky, a high level athlete in weightlifting.

Vicky Graillot is 20 years old. She is a high level athlete in weightlifting and a student at the University of Burgundy in STAPS Sports Management. “My dad was a top athlete in weightlifting. After that, I had no plans to enter this circle at all since I was in handball, says the young woman. It came with physical preparation. I started doing weight training, and then I liked it. I started to make records for my age that were a little above the level of others. Suddenly, necessarily as a competitor that hooked me directly. “

Vicky trains ten times a week indoors. “It’s a bit like my second home, I spend almost more time here than at home”, she confides. France will host the Summer Olympics in 2024, a date that the young woman has of course spotted for a long time. “The Olympic Games are the goal of everyone in this room. We are not all the same age so not necessarily all the same deadlines. I am the Olympic Games in Paris 2024. But for example, my brother who is 17 years old will no longer be at the 2028 Games “, she adds.

© France 3 Burgundy

“I am a high-level athlete at Creps de Dijon and I am a student in STAPS at the sports school. I have specialized in sports management since my third year. I am in events. I organize a little bit. sporting events. At the moment, we are organizing the French FFSU wrestling championship. It’s a big event and it requires a lot of preparation. “

And in twenty years, where will she see herself? “In twenty years, I will be 40 years old. I see myself with a stable professional situation. Always a passion for sport because it follows me to the end. I see myself with a family and children to whom I can. pass on my passion. And why not support them in their sporting career. “

Turning 20 in 2020: Vicky Graillot

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