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Vicenza, Sagramola: “Modest first choice. Balzaretti has never been in question”

Rinaldo Sagramolamanaging director of Vicenza, spoke at the press conference to introduce the new coach of the club, Francesco Modesto: “We are here to announce the hiring of the new coach, to whom the baton is passed to carry on a season, who obviously started with ambitions known to all and which unfortunately the team’s progress in the last period has betrayed a little . We have chosen a profile that fits what we believe to be the needs of this moment, that is, a young, highly motivated coach who has as a guiding star attention to work, dedication, without looking anyone in the face. We must try to give back an identity and above all a thickness to the team as soon as possible, as it seems to have lost it a bit in the last period and Francesco Modesto perfectly meets these requirements.

We have deepened our knowledge of him a lot, moreover we had known him by seeing a little of all the material we have and I must say that we have also found confirmation by talking to those who know him from a professional point of view, having worked on it. Everyone confirmed what our idea of ​​him was. Obviously the coach knows that there is a lot of work to be done, he knows what the ambitions of this square, of this club and of this property are and he accepted the job with great enthusiasm and therefore now it is certainly up to him to take on important responsibilities. , but its shoulders are large enough to withstand even the pressures of a demanding square like that of Vicenza. Welcome mister ”.

“Balzaretti’s position? Federico did what a manager has to do to protect the team and the coach. As a company we have not questioned him, so he will continue to operate in his role.

Targets? Those to pursue in the path, we have not given up. We must go on trying to meet expectations, with success, either directly or through the playoffs. We need to field a team that is able to better interpret the ambitions and the logic for which it was built. We want to win as much as possible, then obviously there are also the opponents.

First choice? It was the first choice. We wanted a profile like hers ”of hers.

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