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Vicentin: they investigate crimes against humanity against workers

In that sense, the Reconquista federal prosecutor, Roberto Salum, heard Zarza’s testimony last Thursday. The man reported that he was kidnapped in January 1976, shortly before the start of the dictatorship and again during November of the same year, as revealed to Telam judicial sources.

The subject had been advanced to minutouno.com by the environmental lawyer and teacher of Constitutional Law and Legal Sociology Rafael Colombo, who indicated: “Between 1966 and 1983 it was made of fiscal lands, ports and was benefited with the sadly famous nationalization of private debt in 1982. As if that were not enough, The company has been denounced by former political prisoners and human rights organizations for facilitating the handover, imprisonment and torture of delegates and workers during the last de facto government. To all this must be added the suspicions of the fraudulent maneuvers linked to the latest loans. granted by the Banco Nación of the Macri era, its emptying and capital flight to tax havens “.

For his part, Zarza told Telam: “They stopped me at the factory, shortly after I went to work, and they made me a report with a typewriter that gave them company personnel. They took me to a room and the one who facilitated everything was a foreman who we called ‘El Sapo’ Vicentin, but he was not part of the family that owned the firm. “

The former detainee reported that he was released during February 1976 and that he was reinstated to Vicentin. But on November 2 of the same year he was kidnapped again while returning to his home from work in Vicentin. According to the testimony that he gave before the Prosecutor’s Office in Santa FE, that day the security forces They abducted 14 workers who were serving as delegates union in Vicentin.

In his statement, he claimed to have seen members of the II Army Corps, belonging to battalion 621, who arrived from Rosario to carry out the operation.

Zarza revealed that after his kidnapping he was transferred to the III Air Brigade, where he was “beaten and kicked”. He was then taken to the Reinforced Infantry Guard of the city of Santa Fe, a police station where a clandestine detention center. He was then “legalized” in the Coronda prison, at the disposal of the Executive Branch, and from there he regained his freedom at Christmas 1978.

These facts will allow the Prosecutor’s Office to initiate a second section of case 050, in which they were investigated. crimes against humanity in the Reconquista area, Santa Fe, during the last military dictatorship.

That file was instructed by Salum and ended with a trial in which Commodore Danilo Sambuelli and Major Jorge Alberto Benítez, both from the Air Force, and police officers Carlos Nickisch, Horacio Machuca, Rubén Molina, Arnaldo Neumann and Eduardo Luque.

In this oral and public process the existence of a repressive circuit was verified that began in the III Reconquest Brigade, continued in clandestine illegal detention centers near the capital of Santa Fe, and if the detainees were “laundered”, it ended in the Coronda prisons , Devotee or some criminal of the South of the Country.

Now, the prosecution is waiting for the Secretariat of Human Rights of the province of Santa Fe to provide information and data to advance the investigation.

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