Home » today » World » Vicente Fox compares AMLO’s mandate with that of Nicolás Maduro: “The true path to dictatorship”

Vicente Fox compares AMLO’s mandate with that of Nicolás Maduro: “The true path to dictatorship”

Vicente Fox uses his social media to once again attack AMLO (Photos: EFE and AFP)

The National Electoral Commission (CNE) proclaimed Nicolás Maduro Moros as the winner of the elections last Sunday, July 28, which is why he will remain president of Venezuela for 6 more years. For this reason, former president Vicente Fox Quesada criticized this decision and compared his mandate with that of the current president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

Fox Quesada criticized Maduro Moros for having been in charge of the South American country for 11 years, in addition to calling him a “dictator” again, after he was re-elected to his post.

The politician from the National Action Party (PAN) used a photograph in which half of AMLO’s face and the other half of Maduro’s face can be seen, which he shared through his social networks to attack both presidents.

The former president compares AMLO’s mandate with that of Nicolás Maduro. (Photo: Taken from @VicenteFoxQue)

This comes after it was announced that the National Regeneration Movement Party (Morena) intends to accelerate the process of extinguishing some autonomous bodies, a proposal by López Obrador.

“A democracy will never be functional without the checks and balances and autonomy of the powers, but equally of the autonomous organisms. This is the true path to dictatorship as happened in Venezuela and Cuba,” these were part of the words that Fox Quesada wrote on the social network X.

According to the information, Morena deputies agreed to begin the process to eliminate some organizations such as the National Institute of Transparency, Access to Information and Protection of Personal Data (INAI); the Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE); the National Hydrocarbons Commission (CNE); the Federal Telecommunications Institute (IFT) and the National Council for the Evaluation of Social Development Policy (Coneval).

According to the data, the Morena supporters prepared a preliminary report to present to the Constitutional Points Commission of San Lázaro to begin as soon as possible, when it had been suggested to begin within 15 days.

For this reason, the former PAN president reiterated: “We will not be slaves or blind to authoritarian power.”

Vicente Fox has been the talk of the town in recent days, having recently caused a stir by denouncing the cancellation of his flight to Venezuela, where he was planning to participate as an observer in the elections there.

It was through his X account that he revealed some videos and words against the South American nation and called Nicolás Maduro a dictator.

The incident occurred on Friday, July 26, after the aircraft that was to transport him and other leaders did not take off due to a space block.

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