Home » today » News » Vice Presidential Candidate Cak Imin Accepts Invitation to Visit Nickel Downstreaming Sites in Morowali and Weda Bay – Responds to Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan’s Request

Vice Presidential Candidate Cak Imin Accepts Invitation to Visit Nickel Downstreaming Sites in Morowali and Weda Bay – Responds to Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan’s Request


Vice presidential candidate number 1, Muhaimin Iskandar or Cak Imin, responding to Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan who asked him to call to make an appointment to check in the field regarding the results of nickel downstreaming in Morowali and Weda Bay. Cak Imin said he would meet Luhut after campaigning in the regions.

“Oh yes, when the campaign starts to wind down a bit, I’m in the area. Of course I will meet Mr. Luhut, I’ll take him to the mining areas,” said Cak Imin at Tampi Field, Wonosobo, Central Java, Saturday (27/1/ 2024).

Reported detikFinance, Cak Imin accepted the invitation of the Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan to check in the field regarding the results of nickel downstreaming in Morowali and Weda Bay. Luhut responded again to Cak Imin, if it is true that the vice presidential candidate is ready to accept his invitation, according to Luhut, just make a phone call.

Luhut said, Cak Imin Surely you have the contact, just call then determine the schedule for visiting Morowali and Weda Bay.

“Yes, just go there and see. If Muhaimin says he wants to meet me, he has my telephone number, just call, when do you want to go? He will go there (Morowali and Weda Bay),” said Luhut when met at his office, Thamrin number , Central Jakarta, Friday (26/1/2024).

Furthermore, he said that so far from the reports he had received, the people in Morowali and Weda Bay as the nickel downstream center locations admitted to enjoying the economic results from the downstreaming carried out.

“That’s what I saw most of the comments from Morowali, Weda Bay, they said we enjoyed it downstreaming this,” said Luhut.


2024-01-27 07:53:44

#Cak #Imin #meet #Pak #Luhut #mining #areas

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