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Vice president Oktay made a statement in the earthquake zone

Vice President Fuat Oktay, interior minister and Minister of Environment and urban planning Murat Solomon noble institution, the kaynarpinar karliova District of Bingol earthquake the most severe damage depending on the area of Almaty came to visit and explore their village township dinar and Apple. Apple vice president who made a statement in the village of Oktay, who conveyed detailed information about the latest situation.

Vice President Fuat Oktay, indicating the absence of Missouri in the heart of earthquake damage; “have districts. We have the village, we are facing a situation where we can handle very comfortable in our villages. The most affected villages in the town we’re having right now. Apple is the most affected village. Let us share with you the information you get. We have 5 Apple 8 heavy yedisu in the ruined houses.

A total of 33 inside the building, the impenetrable case. Do not allow to enter inside. In the same way we have animal shelters there and 36% of the total to be demolished severely damaged’side 2 38. Have Dinarbey have severely damaged our school and our 2 lodgings in the same way. We have 17 houses severely damaged, ruined one building, we have also an animal shelter, we have 15 of them. There we have ruined one building for a total of 34.

Again we have kaynarpinar village, just the village we visited. Damage of our building there is a police station in the towers. Again we have 3 houses 7 houses severely damaged and therefore we have a total of 10 Heavy Tank. We know we have our Cat 6 collapsed buildings in Erzurum district in the same manner. All the work around here is still going strong. Right now the environmental issues from urban planning all the teams and they will continue to work until the morning.

This housing could be done about the crack houses and the other we may have. Damage assessment studies will be very quickly around here. For up to 3 days at the latest, we will be completing a damage assessment studies the minister has us here now,”he said.

“We have 18 wounded”

The injured, and the loss of life is reminiscent of a Oktay,” our condolences for your loss. Karliova we visited his relatives and paternal uncles, his wife. In total we have 18 wounded. We have a child them Moses, at the University of the Euphrates. Missouri State 5 other casualties at the hospital. In our case the rest discharged. We, on the one hand, we’re struggling with Corona. We’ve had our earthquake or natural disasters, and it will. We take every precaution we about this in the state instantly.

We were there in Malatya Elazığ. Day and night we’ve survived.There was our president, our minister was there, as a government we were there. Who needs whatever was greeted instantly. Afterwards we began to praise our state struggle with it as the corona in front of the whole world again saw. A mask of all super-states not only the pursuit of praise for even managing it at all with everything we have to help our own citizens, and has provided support to more than 125 countries, we didn’t stay.

We’re staying here today. Both on the one hand, the rule mask and the corona so we will continue our struggle with distance, and we call this struggle, while at the same time we have to be careful in cleaning and hygiene. Hence we we have the capability to do this. The US president is following this issue very closely.

We just lost our citizens, ” martyrs spoke. Also when you get here to the moment-to-moment information they’re getting. Environment and Urban Planning Minister is here. Our interior minister, our governor, County deputies in the same manner they are. Therefore, all state institutions, and here,”he said.

“We’re with you as well as for our citizens”

Immediately started distributing hot meals in the villages of voicing Oktay,”the Red Crescent and then the rest will bring. Tonight will be our tent being set up. Afterwards the tents will be replacing our buildings collapsed and severely damaged in the container again. In other places in the van and very quickly what we did what we did, what we did in Elazığ, Malatya than what we did before we’re going to do this same thing in our villages. Our citizens certainly we’re not the victim here. Very quickly we’ll wrap up our wounds in the Union El. Heavily damaged with a crack and not only within 3 days, you need not to sit in, or mild, moderate housing that we will complete them with.

What you desire, our demand for water, it won’t be heavily damaged one of the buildings. You’ve got to watch tonight but everyone’s home in the first place. And although slightly damaged, moderately damaged, although these households em off. Your life is precious to us. We love you, we don’t want any of you to get hurt.

Consequently, we would appreciate it very much if you would cooperate with us. 90 environment and urbanization team, we will complete this work. Many of our AFAD teams have been mobilized. In the same way have been referred by the Red Crescent. Our tents have been shipped. Food, drink and we won’t have any worries about the goods. Today we’re with our citizens.

Hopefully after that unity within our state along with all our capabilities, we are with you. Just let it be. If any harm comes to your hair, this makes us feel sad. If you become upset you, we we’re upset even more. Our president is a subject that they follow very closely. If you ask a single citizen said, ” I’ll answer for nose bleeds because of our negligence we are in position.

Therefore, we’re all here. Hopefully we will continue with it until the end of this precision, we’ll stop, we’ll bandage our wounds. And just one get together, let’s be in solidarity. There is nothing we can’t handle,”he said.

“We have buildings policy the earthquake kills kills.”

Noting that the region in the earthquake region, Oktay:”we lived in Bingol 2003, in 2005 we lived in karliova. Very quickly, wrapped the wounds of our state. Our buildings earthquake-resistant in a manner that is renewed. It’s here in the earthquake area. So, at the point where the line joins the North Anatolian fault and East Anatolian fault line we are.

Policy buildings earthquake kills kills we have. While building the home, while at the animal shelter while you’ve got to watch this for the sake of Allah. Not a grave for ourselves. Therefore, earthquake-resistant buildings when we do, none of us wouldn’t be a thing. We very quickly our buildings earthquake-resistant manner we will do,”he said. IHA

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